Stories of Others
Want to be inspired?
Gain information?
Have hope?
These are real lives and real stories, sent directly to Janie Bowthorpe and Stop the Thyroid Madness for you to be inspired by.
And they represent many more individual stories of success as seen in key patient groups all over the internet.
Enjoy! Because any of these can be YOU! Keep your doctor informed if you are working with one.
RITA’s STORY – Rita heard the dire warnings that T3 and a low TSH would cause heart and bone issues. To the contrary, her T3 use (with T4) totally took away Osteopenia–the precursor to Osteoporosis!!!
LORNA’s STORY – At 74 years old, this is an important testimony when doctors are being pushed to never give T3 or NDT to anyone after a certain age!
MILLY’S STORY – From Australia, Milly tells the story of being on T4 and always freezing. And it was not only NDT which changed her life, but changed her to being warm and comfortable, even in winter and even in the cold ocean water!!
TERRI’S STORY – Living in Australia, this is a fabulous story of how Natural Desiccated Thyroid changed Terri’s life in just five months after living a life of depression, suicidal thoughts, extreme fatigue and more.
BETH’S STORY – Like so many others, Beth’s use of T4-only was a disaster and wondered if she would ever have children. She listened to STTM, moved over to Natural Desiccated Thyroid and regained her life again, including the hope that she might now be able to get pregnant! Beth also lowered her antibodies with LDN.
MELANIE’S STORY – This is different but so inspiring i.e. Melanie of Australia already saw her life change due to Natural Desiccated Thyroid. But she had to move and start the daunting process of finding an open-minded doctor!! And this is her story of finding one who LISTENED and was willing to let Melanie teach him!
DAD of 13 YEAR OLD LILY STORY – You can’t get sweeter than this, totally from the words of 13 year Lily’s Dad as to how badly Lily did on Synthroid, and how much her life changed thanks to Natural Desiccated Thyroid. It will make you smile. 🙂
URSULA’S STORY – Like so many before her, Ursula of the UK went years with worsening hypothyroid symptoms with the doctors blaming everything else. Then she got on T4, but continued to get worse. It was only when she finally demanded T3 in her treatment that she started to live again!
MAHGAN’S STORY – Great results. Mahgan explains that while on Synthroid, she had weight gain, bad fatigue, awful brain fog & pain…and after switching to Natural Desiccated Thyroid, found herself doing immensely better with 60 lb weight loss!
TRACEY’S STORY – What a story! Metastasized thyroid cancer, then 300 mg Synthroid and misery, followed by a complete turnaround with Natural Desiccated Thyroid.
TANYA’S STORY – Once again, here is an example where getting the “Fibromyalgia” diagnosis may not be what you think. Tanya’s pain and misery went away thanks to Natural Desiccated Thyroid in an optimal dose. .
JODY’S STORY – Here’s proof that no matter what age (Jody is 63), you can discover and treat your adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism and return to living your life again!
GAY’S STORY – Gay is a delight, living in Australia with this great summary of all the problems she had over the years—all which turned out to be due to her thyroid and she didn’t connect it all that time!!
MARGIE’S STORY – This is a short and sweet story involving going to Disney World and having a much better time thanks to getting off Synthroid and onto Natural Desiccated Thyroid!
KANDICE’S STORY – Kandice is an avid cycler who did lousy on Levoxyl, moved to synthetic T3 and T4 and was better, and later discovered that she did even better on Natural Desiccated Thyroid.
LESLEY’S STORY – Living in the UK, Lesley was on T4-only for 26 years, got worse and worse, then on her own, got on Natural Desiccated Thyroid, got off BP meds, saw her cholesterol go down, and she is now doing fabulous!
VON’S STORY – Being told her kidneys are failing, this is a very Inspiring story of how being on the right thyroid med can improve the function of one’s kidneys! And Von is over 60 years of age.
ANNIE’S STORY – This is just one more example of what thyroid patients have found repeatedly—that no matter how well you think you are doing on T4-only like Synthroid, it eventually bites you in the behind. Read this shocking story with a wonderful ending!!
SHARI’S STORY – A heartbreaking story that turns into a success! Shari went from being an energetic young woman, to one on Synthroid for ten years who kept getting worse, to abject misery in herself and to many around her, then to finding Natural Desiccated Thyroid and treatment of her adrenals!
IRENE’S STORY – Irene spent 26 years on Synthroid with constant problems while her doctor simply said she was depressed and her TSH was normal. Switching to Natural Desiccated Thyroid changed her life and she regrets putting up with what she did for 26 years!
NOLA’S STORY – This is a frustrating story of Nola who, when her thyroid was removed, so was one (or more?) of her parathyroids. And she suffered for years due to doctors failures to understand and treat what was going on with her. She has come a long way!
KIM’S STORY – Having symptoms since childhood, and many miseries into her adulthood, it took many years before Kim starting getting the diagnosis and treatment she needed. She’s work in progress!
LAURA’S STORY – Having had depression since she was 13 years old, Laura was a mess, while all doctors said her thyroid was “normal”. A doc finally put her on Armour, and her depression (and weight gain) is gone!
SYLVIA’S STORY – Twenty years on Synthroid with an awful downward spiral (and thinking she’s had Hashi’s all along), Sylvia is now very proactive and clearly heading to a different and positive future!
MARIE’S STORY – With a Graves diagnosis as a child to Hashimotos as an adult, Marie had 20 symptomatic years on Synthroid. She’s now on Armour, has a wonderful abatement of her chronic constipation, and is on her way!
CAROLYN’S STORY – From the UK, Carolyn was put on T4 and had classic continuing symptoms of a poor treatment. Convinced her doc to put her on Armour, and she lives again!
AMY’S STORY – Synthroid left Amy with lingering symptoms and a mental health issue, and desiccated thyroid took it all away! She feels better than she has in a decade.
PATRICIA’S STORY – With chronic pain and a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, Patricia got even worse on Synthroid. Only when she was switched to natural desiccated thyroid did her pain and misery go away!
SARAH’S STORY – With a normal TSH, she felt awful. And when Sarah took the STTM information to her doc, they ran the free’s, and lo and behold, her free T3 was extremely low! Adding T3 saved the day, not going by the TSH!
KATE’S STORY – After misery on T4, Kate was doing great on desiccated thyroid…until she moved and her new TSH-obsessed doctors ruined her life. She found a much better doctor, doses according to symptoms. A new life regained!
ERIN’S STORY – Feeling suicidal after going through three doctors and poor treatment, Erin found STTM, a much better doctor, and a dose of great hope!
MEGAN’S STORY – Teenager Megan tells her own story of having Graves at age fourteen, then the misery of T4-only meds for 1 1/2 years, to living well again on desiccated thyroid at age sixteen.
GAYLE’S STORY – Gayle, while on T4, found herself with blurriness in her right eye, and a scan which showed clear damage. When she switched to desiccated thyroid, it completely went away. And what were docs saying to her? It’s not your thyroid. (It was)
ROSIE’S STORY – Rosie has Hashimoto’s disease, and she heard about LDN—Low Dose Naltrexone—in the treatment of her autoimmune attack on her thyroid. This is her wonderful story about what LDN has done for her.
JACKY’S STORY – After living with Spamodic Dysphonia, a neurological disorder causing loss of voice, or a “smokers voice”, Jacky discovering it was due to her thyroid even while doctors denied it for several years. She got rid of it with the T3 in desiccated thyroid!
JUDITH’S STORY – From Brisbane Australia, Judith went through a long period of being underdosed in the treatment of her Hashimotos disease, and worked with the STTM information to become informed and get the treatment she deserved.
ANDREA’S STORY – A very inspiring story: Andrea is an adult with autism under the care of her parents, but with courage and determination, fought for changing Synthroid to desiccated thyroid after reading STTM…and succeeded. She is on a new journey.
CHUCK’S STORY – This is a fascinating story of a fit and active man who paid a “hefty” price on Synthroid for ten years, and finally found a much better treatment with compounded desiccated thyroid (which caused a huge loss of fat).
DIANA’S STORY – After years of female hormonal problems including low progesterone, followed by adrenal issues and Hashimotos, Diana was able to get off Armour due to her iodine treatment.
SIOBHAN’S STORY – This is one remarkable story of having multiple illnesses and poor diagnoses for years, finally finding desiccated thyroid, treating low cortisol, discovering Celiac disease, and finally living again. Very worth it to read!
RAINBOW’s STORY – Having no ovulation and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding for years, reversal comes with thyroid treatment. Now she looks forward to getting pregnant—something she thought was impossible.
FLORENCE’S STORY–a good lesson on the folly of doctors who look no farther than the TSH lab test, and her journey toward better treatment with desiccated thyroid.
MISSY’S STORY—Her headaches went away on Armour. But Missy had more problems to deal with. You’ll see a link to her adrenal journey blog, as well.
LAUREN’S STORY–A powerful story of disappointment, “normal” diagnoses, extreme hair loss, and finally finding out about natural desiccated thyroid (without ever having been on Synthroid) and feeling alive again…with past symptoms GONE!
JACKI’S STORY–Having had high cholesterol, high LDL, high Triglycerides… they all went down, and HDL went up, simply from treating her hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue correctly!
ADRIENNE’S STORY—While taking the Australian version of T4—Oroxine—Adrienne dealt with depression, weight gain, thinning eyebrows, and more with a “normal” TSH. This is her remarkable story of finding a doctor in Australia to put her on Armour after finding the STTM site.
LINDA’S STORY—Started her own business, became hypothyroid and struggled, started on Armour, treated her Adrenal Fatigue, and now feels wonderful!
LAURA’S STORY—As a nurse, Laura had a �normal� TSH for two decades along with PCOS, miscarriages, osteopenia and other hypothyroid symptoms. When finally diagnosed, she was put on Synthroid, but only when she switched to Armour did her life really change!
TASIA’S STORY—Tasia never seemed to benefit from higher and higher doses of hydrocortisone, even though she clearly had adrenal fatigue…until she started taking a Hydrochloric Acid supplement for digestion along with the HC. She then soared in her treatment, and recommends it to others.
JANET’S STORY—With peri-menopausal symptoms and continuing hypothyroid on Synythroid or Levoxyl, Janet took the bull by the horns and found a doctor who listened. She is now on Armour and doing wonderful.
JEN’S STORY—From a clueless doctor to a smart doctor, Jen’s life has changed ten-fold thanks to Armour. Get ready to be inspired!
BRENDA’S STORY—From having flatlined cortisol levels, which means severe adrenal fatigue, to being able to wean off Cortef successfully…this is a story of hope for those who suffer from low cortisol.
PHIL’S STORY—This is a remarkable story of years of multiple and tragic mis-diagnoses, harassment by family, friends and co-workers, losing a job and a marriage…to finally getting treatment for low testosterone, low thyroid, and adrenal insufficiency.
TRISH’S STORY—Going from doctor to doctor and doctor, and getting worse and worse, this is a detailed story of constant misdiagnoses…and finally leading to the right treatment! (Trish apologizes for it being so long. 😉
PATRICIA’S STORY—After years and years of mis-diagnosis and poor treatment by doctors, Patricia developed this wise and eloquent list of recommendations. A must read!
MARY ANN’S STORY—A remarkable and inspiring before and after story…from the misery of synthetic T4 treatment to Armour, and all in one year. Very inspiring!
DANA’S STORY—She was severely adrenal insufficient, and severely in fear and denial. She bit the bullet and got on cortisol, and now gives encouraging words to anyone else who has low cortisol!
STEPHANIE’S STORY—Thyroid nuked due to Cancer, was on T4-meds and later T4 plus Cytomel—but Armour proved far superior! Very inspiring story!
MELINDA’S STORY—Melinda provides a GREAT example on how to stand up for yourself, and how pitiful the TSH lab test can be.
MARIE’S STORY—Marie discovered the strong connection between low thyroid and miscarriages, plus found Armour.
ELLE’S STORY—Since starting Armour, Elle has been losing weight, and she improved her Ferritin!
VAL’S STORY—She had Lymes Disease and Synthroid-treated Hypothyroid, and it was only when she switched to Armour that was she able to fully rid herself of Lymes!!
HELEN’S STORY—Synthroid absolutely didn’t work; Armour absolutely did! Another great story of finding a much better treatment.
DEE’S STORY—She started on Armour in 1965! Was switched to Synthroid in 1993 and did horrible. Went back to Armour, and now realizes the importance of being your own best advocate at age 73!!
JERRY’S STORY—He did the Adrenal Self Tests, and they revealed sluggish adrenal function. Got on Isocort and doing well.
SAM’S STORY—Sam had RAI, ballooned to 239 lbs, switched from Synthroid to Armour, and now wears a size 6! Go Sam!
SANDY’S STORY—she’s on Armour, saw a backslide, stopped ignoring her adrenal issues, and now feels great!
CATHY’S STORY—Her tsh was NEVER above 2.7, yet she had numerous low thyroid symptoms. She got on Armour, and the rest is history.
KARA’S STORY—She’s 33, homeschools, and now feels great on Armour after only one month, so far!
NANCY’S STORY—Nancy had half her thyroid removed—she REGRETS it—read her inspiring story from Canada!
SUE’S STORY—Thanks to Armour, Sue lost weight, her cholesterol went down, her periods normalized—and all looks so much better.
LISA’S STORY—Synthroid did NOT work; Doctors said “exercise”! Armour, not exercise, changed Lisa’s life.
STACEY’S STORY—Her cholesterol went down!
VALERIE’S STORY—Her life changed dramatically thanks to Armour and adrenal support!
DEBBIE’S STORY—An RAI success story with adrenal support and using Armour! Inspiring!
CAROL’S STORY—She feels great switching from .150 mcg. Synthroid to Armour!
Important notes: All the information on this website is copyrighted. STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.