Lorna is 74 years old. And this is an important story, since we face pharmaceuticals pushing doctors to stop prescribing NDT if you are over a certain age. Go Lorna!

Say Lorna: I was underdosed for my Hypothyroidism since 2015 until I found a wonderful doctor who knew that T3 would not give me a heart attack.

My doctor diagnosed my Hashimoto’s, upped my NDT, and put me on Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). And since six months ago, I have lost 26.6 pounds along with18.2 pounds since going on AIP nearly two months ago. I have also lost a lot of symptoms and feel like I have a new lease on life.

I am 74 years old! So I say don’t listen when you are told that they have to treat you different because of your age.

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