If you need inspiration and hope, Mary Ann’s story is just that–a before-and-after saga, from the nightmare of being untreated or undertreated on T4 meds…to finding Armour and a life completely changed.

It has been one year since I started taking Armour Thyroid. A year is a good time to celebrate and say thanks. The knowledge I have gained about finding a good doctor, taking natural hormones, and taking supportive medications and how to handle my health has given me the tools and will to win my life back and my health.

During the two and half year nightmare of taking no medication or taking synthetic hormones, I was 40 pounds heavier, bloated, my hair falling out, my face and body full of acne and extreme dry skin, nails peeling, overwhelming tiredness, loss of memory, depression hanging over me like a guillotine, and digestion was a disaster.

I was unable to function at work, became socially enclosed, and the light just kind of left my soul. Not to mention, the blood curdling frustration of seeing 8 different doctors and endos who told me I could cure everything with a synthetic pill and who refused to listen to me. I felt like I was taking crazy pills not thyroid pills.

I still had enough gumption left in me to know that there had to be a better solution. Thankfully there are people like all of you out there who have made it possible for people like me to put an answer to the question, “Is my life always going to be like this?” The answer is no.

Since making the transition from taking synthetic hormones to taking Armour, I have watched my symptoms slowly, but surely disappear and mend themselves over the last year. I am only about 7 pounds away from my normal weight and still losing. My hair, skin and nails are healthy. My body and brain are functioning again. I am back to work and working smarter and better than ever.

It was a miracle for me that almost instantly, within weeks of starting the Armour, the depression began to lift and eventually disappeared. It has not come back since. I feel strong mentally and emotionally; and, my soul feels full and colorful again.

I am very lucky to have people in my personal life that have supported me during this, but sometimes it was impossible for them to understand exactly what I was going through. I am grateful I could come find some peace and true understanding during the chaos of recovering.

I do not know how to thank people who are strangers, confidants and angels at the same time who have given me back two of the most valuable things I have in my life- my health and my happiness. Also, dealing with my disease, it has given me a new found confidence and I find myself actually seeking life out more now, I breathe in my world, I’m creating again, and I do all these things with a new positive perspective while taking care of myself, body and soul. How do I possibly thank you?

With lots of love,
Mary Ann

Important notes: All the information on this website is copyrighted. STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.