10 reasons many thyroid patients are still frustrated, angry, and sick
Updated in 2015: It’s a continuing travesty, and you see it in patient groups. i.e. many patients still find … Continued
Updated in 2015: It’s a continuing travesty, and you see it in patient groups. i.e. many patients still find … Continued
(Side note: I feel so stupid. If you have signed up to receive notification of STTM’s blog posts (see signup … Continued
Yesterday, I was meandering through a small biking/river runners store, exchanging a vest I got my son for Christmas that … Continued
(Though this was originally written in 2009 about having a thyroidectomy or being thyroidless, it has been updated to the … Continued
Let me tell you, there are a LOT of individuals–those I know and those I don’t–who give their blood, sweat … Continued