Survey on patient experience on the NEW Armour–not a pretty picture
It’s been about a year since Armour desiccated thyroid, a very popular prescription natural thyroid product on the market for … Continued
It’s been about a year since Armour desiccated thyroid, a very popular prescription natural thyroid product on the market for … Continued
Updated in 2015: It’s a continuing travesty, and you see it in patient groups. i.e. many patients still find … Continued
(Though this post was originally written in 2011, it has been updated to the current day and time. Enjoy! At … Continued
The year of 2009 will long be remembered for two nightmares straight out of Twilight Zone for thyroid patients: 1) … Continued
(This blog post is updated to the current day and time. Enjoy!) When Forest Labs reformulated Armour desiccated thyroid in … Continued