We are sad at the passing of Edna Kyrie of the Thyroid History website
From Sheila Turner of TPA-UK: Some of you, probably the majority of you, will have heard about Edna Kyrie of … Continued
From Sheila Turner of TPA-UK: Some of you, probably the majority of you, will have heard about Edna Kyrie of … Continued
What in the world is up with the medical system in the United Kingdom?? UK thyroid patients report it’s almost … Continued
IMPRESSIVE GOOD THYROID NEWS! After a grueling week by the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council (GMC) , it was decided … Continued
ARE YOU ON CYTOMEL? If you haven’t gotten a refill of your Cytomel lately (a synthetic T3-only medication), it’s important … Continued
Reading and responding to my daily emails is a huge job that takes a lot of time. My 92 year … Continued