Exercise reduces T3, Vitamin C lowers high cortisol, Interesting theory about iodine…and more.
DESICCATED THYROID QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I had potbelly pigs as pets for 18 years (my kids were allergic to … Continued
DESICCATED THYROID QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I had potbelly pigs as pets for 18 years (my kids were allergic to … Continued
Note: though this page was originally written in 2012, it has been updated to the current date and time. Enjoy! … Continued
For years, thyroid patients have shied away from using saliva testing while on HC, concerned about the false highs and … Continued
Oh jolly. Diane, a thyroid and adrenal patient, informed me of a recent visit to a local Endocrinologist. The doc … Continued