Feel better on T4 than you did on Natural Desiccated Thyroid?
Occasionally, hypothyroid patients will exclaim with conviction and truth that they outright feel better on Synthroid or Levothyroxine (T4-only meds) … Continued
Occasionally, hypothyroid patients will exclaim with conviction and truth that they outright feel better on Synthroid or Levothyroxine (T4-only meds) … Continued
20 ways that hypothyroid or Hashimoto’s patients are gas-lighted.
The following Guest Blog Post was written by Malcolm Maclean, MD of the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Maclean serves as … Continued
“A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool.” ”• Molière In 2008, a news press appeared … Continued
Hello to all my fellow thyroid patient friends! I, Janie, have taken a break from the STTM blog after the … Continued