Doctors still have a long way to go a.k.a. Those symptoms might just be the thyroid!
Just as I was finishing up the post below about a short summary on the Endocrinology Today website, I saw … Continued
Just as I was finishing up the post below about a short summary on the Endocrinology Today website, I saw … Continued
(Though this post was originally written in 2008, it has been updated to the present day and time! Enjoy!) Who, … Continued
Hardly a person hasn’t heard Aesop’s fable of the tortoise and the all-too-confident hare, running their I’ll-prove-to-you-who’s-boss race. The hare … Continued
Started with a new doc. He prescribes Armour and is reading the STTM book. That latter in itself is an … Continued
Look at my blog post below and you’ll see the latest duhhh entry–i.e Endocrinologists finally reported that T3 was an … Continued