Celiac, Gluten Intolerance and your Thyroid

…confirmed in the doctor’s office? Internet resources mention that the three key tests are the anti-endomysium antibody (lgA EMA) and anti-gliadin antibody (lgA & IgG), and tissue transglutaminase (tTG IgA)…

Siobhan’s Story

…a rash and very itchy. I went to another doctor and she again ordered blood tests. She said my TSH was “slightly” high, but would come back down on its…

Sylvia’s story

…and why I was having all these symptoms, when my labs results clearly revealed that I was in the “normal ranges”. He didn’t wish to run further tests, other than…

Question 4 – Comments

…is a fraud. 7. The Endo I saw just gave me more of my T4 only med and just ran a huge amount of tests because I had good insurance…