Having lower TSH levels when taking thyroxine not unsafe, says recent research
…higher doses of thyroxine (which will lower the TSH lab result) may be safer than has been purported for decades. And how low a TSH lab result did they find…
…higher doses of thyroxine (which will lower the TSH lab result) may be safer than has been purported for decades. And how low a TSH lab result did they find…
…is how a doctor behaves when he looks at a thyroid lab result yet TOTALLY ignores how you FEEL. On another forum recently, a gal posted that for the first…
…is a chapter totally focused on Hashimoto’s inflammation–-what it can do to you, inflammation labs, what to do about inflammation, supplements and foods to consider to counter inflammation, and short…
…can! Go to the following page, scroll down and click on the DIRECT LABS icon, and the hair test is the 3rd one down: www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/recommended-labwork Copper IUD’s have caused many…
…clueless doctor who thinks the RT3 test is useless (it definitely is NOT useless), you can order your labs from the links on this page: https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/recommended-labwork Want to see where…