The following Guest Blog post is from Dr. Malcolm Maclean of the UK. It’s a timely topic as there has been sporadic mention on the internet of a connection between even the best of thyroid treatments and certain potential risks! He feels the risk between a good thyroid treatment and an increased risk of breast cancer may be very real, and he suggests what you need to do about it.
For some people who experience symptoms of hypothyroidism, achieving a diagnosis of “Hypothyroidism” from a practitioner may be difficult. Even for those who are so diagnosed, the standard Thyroid Hormone for treatment tends to be Thyroxine, also known as T4-only (Trade names: Synthroid/Eltroxin).
For others, Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) tablets are necessary to achieve any improvement and for others T3 may be the treatment of choice, with or without NDT.
However, the point of this text is not to dwell on such difficulties, which can include:
- ** Is adrenal function adequate for initiation of thyroid hormone replacement?
- ** Is the iron level right?
- ** Have the levels of estradiol and progesterone been rectified? …and so on.
Rather, this blog article picks up at the point where thyroid hormone replacement therapy is in place and the patient has started to feel better.
In other words, if you are feeling great with your thyroid treatment, does that mean everything is alright?? Maybe not when it comes to breast cancer risk and some other conditions.
It has to be said that although many people do feel better once diagnosed properly and treated appropriately with Natural Desiccated Thyroid, there are the prima facie puzzling reports of an association between “thyroid treatment and breast cancer risk” (as well as the risk of other cancers, lupus and of diabetes which have been associated with those who are taking thyroid hormone replacement) .[1-6]
Indeed the risk of breast cancer has been stated to be doubled in this situation and trebled for women in this situation who have not given birth.
The hazards of breast cancer is counter-intuitive. A person may say: “I feel so much better now that my symptoms of hypothyroidism have been improved, so why should I face the hazard of greater risk of breast cancer?”
A possible answer is that estrogen dominance, (a common predisposing factor in the development of hypothyroidism for some) down-regulates the IODINE PUMP, the active transport system of iodine. And this effect with down-regulation of the iodine bump has been produced experimentally, as well.[5]
It seems that whatever thyroid hormone preparation used, in the situation of this estrogen effect (i.e. estrogen dominance), thyroid treatment is liable to conceal a continuing hazard of Iodine-deficiency-induced breast cancer. This is because:
a) The cause of the original Iodine Pump down-regulation (estrogen effect) has not been addressed.
b) The thyroid hormone replacement used in therapy is liable to down regulate the Iodine pump further.
Apart from estrogen, the following agents are also said to down-regulate the Iodine Pump:
- T3
- T4
- Fluoride
- Perchlorate
- Interferon
- Interleukin [5,7]
This line of thought supports the mainstream view that, in thyroid hormone replacement, the TSH level should remain in the middle of the normal range. However that dosage does not always relieve symptoms. There’s a paradox and a therapeutic difficulty! What might/can be done to address that therapeutic difficulty?
The question is: in the situation of Estrogen Dominance, treated by thyroid hormone replacement, does Iodine supplementation overcome this hazard? (Together with the “Companion Nutrients” as advocated by the “Iodine Research” group). [8] .
The evidence suggests that the answer is “Yes”. The implication is that most females who are being treated with thyroid hormone replacement should be on the “Iodine Protocol” to overcome the cancer hazard, caused by impaired Iodine absorption.
Unfortunately, the standard test for Iodine status in the human body (the urine iodine test) tells us nothing about the state of Iodine absorption and therefore the true state of the body’s Iodine status. Saliva Iodine level (after Iodine loading, 50 mg) appears to be a more reliable test of the body’s true Iodine status. [9]
It is also appears that exposure to Fluoride, by depressing Iodine uptake, potentiates the cancer risk here.
Unfortunately, when Thyroid Hormone Replacement is used in the treatment of symptoms of hypothyroidism, iodine supplementation is not always used together with the “Companion Nutrients“. The evidence suggests that this supplementation of iodine should be in place to lower your risk of breast cancer, even if you are feeling great on your thyroid treatment.
1. Turken O, Narin Y, Demirbas S, Onde ME, Sayan O, Kandemir EG, Yalaci M, Ozturk A: Breast cancer in association with thyroid disorders.
Breast Cancer Res 2003, 5:R110-R113. PubMed Abstract | BioMed Central Full Text
2. Eur Thyroid J. 2013 Jun;2(2):83-92. doi: 10.1159/000351249. Epub 2013 May 28.
- 5.
- 6.
7. Daniel H.Y. Shen,1 Richard T. Kloos,2,3 Ernest L. Mazzaferri,2 and Sissy M. Jhiang1,2 Sodium Iodide Symporter in Health and Disease THYROID Volume 11, Number 5, 2001 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc
To read more on iodine plus groups you can discuss this in, go to the Iodine page on STTM.
About Dr. Maclean:

Important notes: All the information on this website is copyrighted. STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.
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50 Responses to “Hidden Danger of Treating Hypothyroidism: the Subtle Importance of Iodine”
I do have an NIS Symporter defect according to Dr. Flechas. He has a six week supplement protocol including iodine that is suppose to repair the symportor. Just had a total thyroidectomy for a thyroid that was felt like it was on fire which is unexplained. I also had a multinodular toxic goiter with cold nodules and fortunately no cancer. According to Brownstein, iodine levels need to be sufficient before hormone replacement which was not an option for me. Started doing most of his protocol but not the 50mg iodine, just dietary. Does anyone have any ideas on if I should just do the iodine too?
Also, my doctor started me on NatureThyroid, a half a grain and wants me to increase a half at the end of the week. Should I just increase now? Only three days away.
Had untreated hyperthyroidism for four months. Still waking up with anxiety and heart rate about 100 and burning in thyroid area. The burning has been spreading to other parts of my body. Any help would be greatly appreciated. In a few weeks, I will have iron and cortisol levels checked. Thank you.
Blakeley Southern
You bring up a good point about the possible dangers of thyroid treatment. Questions that are important to bring up, as you point out, are whether or not the iron level is right or if the adrenal function is adequate for initiation of thyroid hormone replacement. These questions are best addressed with an experienced professional that knows you and has studied these conditions for many years.
That is why it is so important to research before going into treatment so that you can find the doctor that is best for you. Thanks for sharing!
Terry Cox
I’m macrobiotic. Anyone know if this way of eating can be harmful to my thyroid? I have lost 82 lbs. In one year. After starting macrobiotic diet weight loss has stopped and I am starting to gain weight. I had hypothyroidism. Now I think I have hyperthyroidism from over medication from hypothyroidism medication
Janie Bowthorpe
Terry, really not enough information to know what to say to you. But I would start by learning from STTM plus the revised STTM book to see if you are treating your hypothyroidism correctly.
suryabhan singh
Please help me.
last year august 2014 we just check randomly tsh for my son age 4 and 1/2 years. Tsh 5.7 range above 5 is high in qatar lab.
Again we check in september for him with dietry changes.we include iodine rich foods. And tsh dropped to 2.9 in antitpo 256.september
. Iodine roughly we give him 3table spoon iodine salt and in food which rougly make 250 mcg iodine.
Then we started NAET treatment ,with gluten free,dairy free, in october 2014,
then i restrict iodine 100 mcg in salt,but daily we give him sardine fish and food which contain 35 mcg.iodine.
total make 135 mcg iodine.
tsh report 4 and tpo become less than 66 with selenium (brazillian nuts 1mcg) this report in december 2014.
And uric acid risses . We are happy. With antitpo and tsh report.
Than from jan we remove all fish but 100 mcg iodine in in salt and food hardly total 105mcg.
march tsh high 5.49 and antitpo 101. This report in march.
same diet gluten free,dairy free.
Again from april we give him same iodine 100 mcg and in food with brazillian nuts.and we start probiotic primal defence in primal defence this is milk ,fish tuna.i ask to my doctor there is milk, she told me its fine.
but june tsh 6.70 and antitpo 470 i was shocked. Report june 27.
Then i started with 100 mcg iodine and i put him twice sardine fish,twice baked potato,twice a weak navy beans for iodine,which roughly makes 40 mcg a day.
and total 140 mcg iodine.
pls help me whether i m wright
Janie Bowthorpe
suryabhan singh, not everyone reports that iodine alone reversed their thyroid problems, even though some do report it. Is the soil there known to be low in iodine? Sounds like your dear son has Hashimotos, so going gluten free was the right thing to do, as a high majority of those with Hashi’s do better off of gluten (even if some do tolerate it fine). All we can do it try what we think is right and see what will happen. You are a caring parent, I see!!
suryabhan singh
thanks for replying,what else can i do
Sounds like an adrenal issue too being that these endocrine glands work in concert with each other. Check out Dr. Wilson’s website, (think that’s it), it was a lifesaver for me.
India blogger
I suffered from hyperthyroidism for eight to ten years. But when doctor prescribed RAI I switched to alternative therapies and remedies. Took supplements along with lugol’s iodine and exercised a lot to get rid of it permanently.
I’m so thankful to have found your website, and to have read your story. I too found something wrong in my late 20’s after having our 3rd child. I noticed that I didn’t have any energy. We had such a rigorous schedule, home, work, church, traveling on top of being sick. I found myself getting more and more tired to the point I could not keep up with anything. I had to quit my job due to lack of stamina to keep up. I went through this time and time again. Along with the fatigue I also had very heavy, painful monthly periods. I was becoming increasingly depressed, and slept more and more and more. This started to take a toll on our family more and more. It took a toll on us financially as I was unable to work.
I believe people were starting to believe I just didn’t want to work. When ever I was feeling well enough I would go and get a job, but when the tiredness came on I would have to quit. No one really understood what was happening. to me. After going to several doctors, they did establish that I had endometriosis, and I was also anemic from the heavy bleeding and they wanted to give me a blood transfusion. I opted out of the blood transfusion, because it was in the late 80’s and I was afraid of possibly contracting the aids virus through tainted blood.
I too have applied for disability, but I was denied twice. Even after providing documentation, SSI still denied me. I felt absolutely hopeless. When people looked at me, they thought I looked healthy and should be able to perform a regular job, but I didn’t have the energy. So I started an online business. As a mater of fact I started several businesses to try to supplement our families income.
It angers me that SSI sends you through so many difficulties only to deny our claims. I eventually had a total hysterectomy which caused another slew of medical problems along with very severe depression. I have been in a fight for my life trying to stay motivated when I wanted to give up. Having low fatigue, depression, is a challenge. You have to fight daily just to do the simple things in life like actually get out of bed, then brush your teeth, then fix yourself something to eat etc…..The simplest daily things become monumental tasks.
All my thyroid test came back normal. I went to the renowned Physician Dr. Hall in Venice for my hormones and she was a life saver. I’m still trying to get my hormones in line, but doing more research I can only conclude that I have a thyroid issue. When I go back to Dr. Hall I will have her test me for this as she is great in this area as well.
This has sure been an up hill battle, one that I don’t wish on my worst enemy. I am supplementing with iodine/kelp along with selenium and a laundry list of other supplements. The jury is still out on the iodine/kelp and selenium as I just started taking them.
Wish me luck.
Hi. I had RAI treatment many years ago. I am confused how iodine would help me now. I take T3 and T4 should I take iodine? There isn’t much info after you have had RAI. Which category do I fall under now .? Overweight and unable to lose weight even on the strictest diet. Help would be great my endo is only interested in blood test results. Not me as a person. I’m in the UK thank you
Hello . I am 28 years old male. I am suffering from auto immune hypo thyroid. My current test reports are T3 (Cerum)- 83.43, T4(Cerum)- 7.4 & TSH — 3.35. Method of testing is CLIA. At present I am taking daily 75 MCG of Eltroxine. I am trying to put some weight but after eating also too much fruits, meats etc also I am not able to gain even an ounce of mass. My height is 165 cms and weight is 56 KGS. I also do not feel energetic after sleeping for 7 hours. Iseen too many doctors for thyroid but they are telling all the reports are normal but I do not feel good. After working for some hours only I get exhausted. Please suggest me what next to do.
have you tried giving up gluten? or at least wheat ??? please read the book “Wheat Belly” by Dr. Davis – or see his blog – it may help.
Iodine tipped me into Hashimotos. abd it’s been a downward spiral ever since – having gone back over my tests done at the time I was not Iodine deficient but my doctor at that time still put me on Lugols and I didn’t know any different.
Janie, do you have info about where Dr Maclean practices? I’m in Scotland and as my mother died of breast cancer I’d really like to have a consultation with him.
Janie Bowthorpe
Mo, I sure don’t. Hopefully he will see this and respond.
I have Hashimotos with high antibodies, TSH and high iodine levels. I’ve started taking a natural dessicated bovine thyroid for about 2 months but haven’t noticed any difference, so far. I researched and found that foods I eat a lot of eggs (free range) and dairy are very high in iodine. I read also that Selenium can help with hypothyroidism/hashimotos. I wonder if I reducing/eliminate my high iodine content foods and supplement with selenium, will help?
You need to have selenium with iodine:
“Several minerals and trace elements are essential for normal thyroid hormone metabolism, e.g., iodine, iron, selenium, and zinc. Coexisting deficiencies of these elements can impair thyroid function.”
The impact of iron and selenium deficiencies on iodine and thyroid metabolism: biochemistry and relevance to public health.
Selenium: The Missing Link for Treating Hypothyroidism?
Regarding selenium and the other minerals, I eat Brazil nuts for Selenium, Cashews for Zinc, and Prunes for Iron (although red meat provides heme iron which is better absorbed) and I have found they have improved my condition quite a lot. It’s OK to have them roasted and salted – I think they taste better that way. The Se is the catalyst for the T4 to T3 conversion and we need as much T3 as we can get for energy. The T4 – as I am sure everyone on this site knows – is just the source material. To only measure TSH and T4 is to completely ignore the whole metabolic process and consequently provides no information about our symptoms if we have a problem.
BTW don’t eat too many Brazil nuts – one or two a day is sufficient. Best to get your level checked first to see if you are in fact deficient because excess Se is dangerous – but you will probably throw up first which should be a warning!
Elayna Andreoli
My symptoms recently became as such that I could no longer ignore them or shrug them off the way that so many Dr’s have been doing – I have an appointment coming up with a functional MD and prior to seeing her I am trying to get all the relevant labs – I am fairly positive I have Hashimoto’s based on my symptoms. I just got my lab results back and almost everything is totally normal except for ONE of the antibody’s. Thyroglobulin antibody is 9.7 and is marked on the results as being high – is that significantly high enough to confirm my Hashi suspicions? The APO came back midrange and normal. I may recheck them this week. Is this the piece of mind I’ve been looking for or is more needed to confirm? I’m super desperate for answers – I feel almost like I have mono again – 50% of the time and its been years now of Dr’s telling me I’m fine. To the point of breaking down in tears in offices. I can go tomorrow to recheck my levels – I wasn’t sure if that was needed or wise or – anything else
I’ve been on Levo for over 10years and have simply put up with all my sptoms as bloods had been within range. However the past year my symptoms have worsened and my Levo has had to be increased…in fact I had breast ultrasound as my breast tissue didn’t feel right! Fortunately they have said it is nothing to worry about. I’m going to get this iodine test. I Really want to go onto NDT but when I raised the subject with my GP he said I was responding with T4 but I feel that I am not. How can I get NDT from my GP in UK? I see some of you are on it. Thanks.
Janie Bowthorpe
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Lara mccabe
Does adding iodine increase thyroid hormones? Also, for me it lowered my progesterone dramatically, has this happened to others?
Janie Bowthorpe
Lara, not many patients say it does.
I’ve googled and can’t fine a source for salivary iodine test anywhere. I’m wondering what would be recommended to determine iodine levels if the salivary test isn’t an option or where I might access that test?
Janie Bowthorpe
Maria, I would go with an iodine loading test, which is urine. It’s helped a lot of folks figure things out anyway.
Francesca Thomas
When I was diagnosed with Graves, I not only stopped eating any additional iodine, (my family switched to sea salt), my son and I also stopped drinking the city tap water which is LOADED with fluoride!! We now drink bottled spring water only and I think this is why my health is in the best shape it has been in for a long time. Of course the NDT I am taking also helps!!! But basically – no iodine AND no fluoride – all helps. I also avoid any and all seafood and kelp, and we also eat very little fish except for the occasional can of tuna.
Lynne Farrow
Jackie, what you describe is a common allergy to the radioactive contrast dye, not iodine. The dye is a different and entirely different molecule than the supplemental iodine we take. Iodine is contained in every cell in your body, particularly in the thyroid, breasts, ovaries and testes and is essential for life.
Please see this website that discusses why you can’t be allergic to iodine even if you are allergic to the specific protein allergen in shellfish.
Best of health.
Lynne Farrow
Author: The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life
Hi Lynne I was just reading through the comments and need to correct part of what you said, The contrast media commonly used in radiography is not radioactive. What contrast media does is attenuate photons by adding density to vascular structures so they appear lighter on the acquired images. In simple terms an on a basic x-ray air is dark because it is low density and bone is white due to its higher density so, by using intravenous dye we add density to vascular structures. I only correct you because although you may already know this and mistyped your response, it is commonly thought that the dyes used for CT etc. are radioactive.
jane taylor
Most of us in Britain are not so lucky to get treatment of NDT and have the inferior drug Levothyroxine which has fillers…Not to mention we only get our TSH and free T4 tested so the majority of us have no luck at getting tested or given Iodine supplementation
Nicole Rumbaugh
I live in the United States. I only get put on Levothyroxine also. It raises my TSH levels and all but I still have the symptoms. I have tot been given the NDT nor the iodine supplement. I have been diagnosed with hashimotos disease and hypothyroidism.
Lara de Vries
I suggest reading the information under the “Thyroid Medications” tab, think about buying the book related to this website and consulting with an integrative or Naturopathic Doctor in your area.
Unfortunately, I have found that taking Iodine lowers my Ferritin levels. I noticed that whenever I would take Iodine, I would become more tired than usual. My hair would turn to straw, and my neck would get fat. I tried taking Iodine for a year (Iodoral) but it just doesn’t agree with my body. I noticed that whenever I would supplement with Iodine, I couldn’t raise my Ferritin levels, but as soon as I went off Iodine, the Ferritin levels raised.
I would love to enjoy the benefits and protection of Iodine, but I’ve found out the hard way that for me, it’s disastrous. My husband is able to take it, but I cannot. I have tested, and I am EXTREMELY deficient in Iodine, but when I take it, it creates problems. I was taking 50 mgs. of Iodoral a day. Maybe that’s just too much. May I would do better with just taking 12.5 mg. a day….I don’t know.
I just don’t understand how my body can be extremely deficient in Iodine, how it can desperately need Iodine, but when I give it Iodine, it rejects it and makes me pay a miserable price for doing so. Go figure…
Kira Miftari
Lorraine, try applying it subcutaneously, and see if this will yield better absorption and mitigate side-effects
Have you tried taking the companion nutrients along with iodine?
Cheryl Riggs
Why is it we are always hearing/ reading conflicting advice/info? I’ve always thought iodine supplementation was like adding “fuel to the fire” in autoimmunity(Hashimotos), so we were to avoid it??
Judi Moore
Exactly, Cheryl. Holland & Barrett would not sell me iodine (kelp) once they learned I was hypothyroid. To avoid iodine seemed counter-intuitive then (this is some 7/8 years ago) but since I have joined various online thyroid forums since then all have advised against supplementing with iodine. I have, thus, been avoiding additional iodine (except what’s in my diet, which probably isn’t much) consciously for nearly a decade.
IS it safe to supplement? Should one? What has my iodine abstinence done to affect my risk of breast cancer.
A very worrying article.
Judi some of what you have read is fear mongering, driven in part by a piece of faulty research now disproved called the Wolfe Chaikoff Effect. Please click on the links Janie has provided for more information including the research by the 3 Drs who presented the Iodine Protocol in 2007, after years of study and tens of thousands of patients.
Connie Woodbury
I was diagnosed hyperthyroid in 1995, had an RAI and was put on Levoxyl for the next 20 years. Never felt well, gained weight, was treated for depression, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, suffered with mental fogginess, reptile skin, etc. No doctor said anything other than “Your lab results are normal.” FINALLY convinced my endo to “try me” on NDT and immediately started to feel better! Four months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery, chemo, radiation, and tamoxofan followed. I put on 35 lbs (although keeping food down was a big issue for me!), my face became bloated, I developed a double chin and a big tummy. My lower legs are very painful and insomnia and fatigue are on-going. I’m exercising 2x weekly and watching my diet. What else should I be doing to feel better?
Janie Bowthorpe
Connie, so sorry you had to deal with breast cancer. 🙁 On an important side note, sounds like you aren’t optimally dosed on your NDT at all. Read this article on what we’ve learned on how to be optimal:
Barbara Creamer
Janie – I believe the commenter may have been referring to a diagnosis of primary hyperPARAthyroid disease a condition that is unrelated to the thyroid but often confused by its name. I am writing as I am one of 3 San Francisco Bay Area women( Parathyroid Peeps – raising awareness and advocating for improvement in diagnosis and standards for surgical treatment. Jackie – Were all 4 of your parathyroid checked when you had the first gland removed? It is possible you still have hyperparathyroid disease if not as a number of people have more than one adenoma. Have you had your calcium rechecked since surgery? Check out our website and consider listening to our podcasts related to normocalcemic and normohormonal presentations if your blood calcium is currently normal.
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease 12 years ago. I was put on PTU for 2 years and then I was told my hyperthyroid was under control but I have felt bad ever since. Ive always been told my thyroid test results were normal over the years. Now all these years later I have discovered they are not and I am finally getting some help. I have just started bio identical thyroid treatment. After reading this article I’m am very confused. In the past a couple of different medical professionals told me that iodine would be bad for me as it would push my now in remission Graves’ disease out of remission. Even though I am considered hypothyroid now do I still have Graves’ disease? Can iodine push me into a hyper state again? I wouldn’t even know how much to take if my body really needed it. Please help! TIA
Janie Bowthorpe
Nicole, there are many patients who’ve had either Graves or Hashi’s who report successfully using iodine, especially if the iodine loading test revealed they were low. They would need to use supporting nutrients first.
Janie, what kind of supporting nutrients? Also is it true all kelp has arsenic? Premier research Xenostat looks like a great product. I doubt such a reputable company would allow arsenic in their products…
Janie Bowthorpe
Nicole, in the article above, “companion nutrients” is a bolded hyperlink. Click on it, okay?
Do adrenals have to be supported in those with low cortisol in order to tolerate iodine? I have taken 2.5 mg of iodine in the past with companion nutrients and it made me very sleepy so I stopped. This was before I was supporting my very low cortisol
Janie Bowthorpe
Tanya, there is reported patient evidence that already weak adrenals may need support due to the toxin die-off from iodine use, yes.
Jackie Biddinger
I was diagnosed in 2012 with Hyparathyroidism. I had high calcium for three years and nobody investigated to see why/I started being Hypoglycemic, joint an muscle pain, I had muscle type seizures from no lack of Vitamin D. Finally a orttho said you need to get your thyroid checked. I was also extremely tired. I had para gland removed. I have a goiter and five nodules which are under watch. In 1996 I had a heart CATH and had a reaction to Iodine in the dye./ I don’t eat seafood because I don’t want a reaction. This does not make sense why I am allergic , but need to have it for my thyroid to heal. I am not on any meds or referred to Endo/because blood works says nomal;. I take Magnesiuym, 1000mg, b12 for Iron,. Welbutrin for depression, and a supplement for daily vitamin and tired all the time.
Janie Bowthorpe
Jackie, there are experts who feel that what is seen as an “allergy” may either actually be the dumping of toxins like bromide due to iodine, or a reaction to the dye in the iodine product, not a reaction to the iodine in the product. By the way, most patients report they do not “wait and watch” as some doctors dictate. They get on desiccated thyroid anyway while working with another doctor. But that’s up to you.
Lisa Pera-Kojouri
Hi Jackie,
Sorry about all you’ve gone through. I didn’t notice the date your comment was written. But I did notice that earlier in your post, you said you’d had a seizure? Then later you mentioned being on Wellbutrin. I assume your Dr. Prescribed this for you correct? Did he ask you if you’ve EVER had a seizure/convulsion? Because patients who have, SHOULD NOT go on Wellbutrin. It CAN cause seizures in people who’ve never even had them. But I believe the chances are low for them. They have to make sure they take it every 12 hours. I have been and still am on antidepressants. I take Cymbalta. Very little side effects for me. I didn’t want to alarm you, I’m just surprised that your Dr. would put you on that, knowing about your seizures. If he didn’t know, he should have asked you. Sometimes in there paperwork they have you fill out, it asks about seizures. Well, good luck to you!