Welcome to the INFORMATIONAL MOTHERSHIP WEBSITE OF REPORTED PATIENT-TO-PATIENT EXPERIENCES, OBSERVATIONS, AND WISDOM GAINED WORLDWIDE! Thyroid patients report changed lives. All the latter reported experiences and observations have been listened to, talked about, and compiled since 2002 to the present day and time as information. I hope you find this informational site to be a great resource for your journey back to optimal health, plus always used with an open-minded medical professional. Seize the wisdom!

-- Janie A. Bowthorpe, M.Ed., thyroid patient

STTM Unity
TSH Lab Test

Did you know that the TSH lab test can look “normal”, yet you can be very hypothyroid? The TSH lab test fails us in other ways.

T4 thyroid pill

That once-a day T4 thyroid pill has wreaked havoc, many patients report.

Natural Desiccated Thyroid

Natural Desiccated Thyroid or synthetic T3 with T4, or T3 alone, changes lives and has a long history of success.

Adrenal problems

Adrenal problems are rampant due to being undiagnosed, TSH-dosed, T4-only, say patients. T3 can reveal it.

Lab work

Lab work: Thyroid patients have learned what is really useful vs what is not.

Talk to Others

Want to talk to others who understand? Need feedback about your issues?

Listen to Janie

Listen to Janie talk about:

  • Have you been told you are "normal", but you have continuing symptoms?? LISTEN HERE
  • Why the TSH lab test may be the worst way to diagnose or treat by... LISTEN HERE
  • How T4-only meds like Synthroid etc may not help you enough... LISTEN HERE
  • What is Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) about? And T3 in your treatment is important, too. LISTEN HERE
  • Have you had problems with desiccated thyroid or T3? LISTEN HERE

Are you suffering from Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s? Do you use T4-only meds? Are you treated based on the TSH lab test? You’re at the right website to learn what patients are reporting in their journey to being well again. Remember: this does not replace your relationship with your doctor.