We are sad at the passing of Edna Kyrie of the Thyroid History website
From Sheila Turner of TPA-UK: Some of you, probably the majority of you, will have heard about Edna Kyrie of … Continued
From Sheila Turner of TPA-UK: Some of you, probably the majority of you, will have heard about Edna Kyrie of … Continued
NOTE: though this post was originally written in 2011, it can still contain relevant information for you today to consider, … Continued
(Side note: I feel so stupid. If you have signed up to receive notification of STTM’s blog posts (see signup … Continued
I confess that I hated my Chemistry class in high school, even if Mr. Bowen tried to make it interesting … Continued
Hi Mary. You know, I really don’t think this is a time for us to be separate, Mary, in our … Continued