Stupidity Award of the Year: the UK’s NHS states that T3 has “little or no clinical value”
The following Guest Blog post has been written by UK Thyroid Patient Carolyn and contributions added by Janie A. Bowthorpe … Continued
The following Guest Blog post has been written by UK Thyroid Patient Carolyn and contributions added by Janie A. Bowthorpe … Continued
20 ways that hypothyroid or Hashimoto’s patients are gas-lighted.
Note: though this STTM blog post will be mentioning a US presidential candidate, we will NOT approve comments that make … Continued
The push continues, fellow thyroid patients. And it’s getting louder and more widespread. This week, Wall Street Journal columnist Melinda … Continued
“A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” ~Saul Bellow And … Continued