FDA’s Safe Use Initiative–think they will listen to our cries about T4-only meds?
As a thyroid patient who was profoundly harmed by the use of Synthroid and Levoxyl in the treatment of my … Continued
As a thyroid patient who was profoundly harmed by the use of Synthroid and Levoxyl in the treatment of my … Continued
I once cracked open an egg to find it had TWO shells. And that oddity is equivalent to finding an … Continued
I confess that I hated my Chemistry class in high school, even if Mr. Bowen tried to make it interesting … Continued
Just when you think we’re full of great information for better thyroid care, there’s still more to learn and find … Continued
Though this was originally posted in 2009, it’s been updated to the present day and time! The brand of Natural … Continued