Frequently asked HYPOPITUITARY questions….and their answers
…4) Is adrenal and/or thyroid treatment different if I am hypopituitary? 5) What labs will detect hypopituitarism? 6) If I can’t afford all those labs, can you tell just from…
…4) Is adrenal and/or thyroid treatment different if I am hypopituitary? 5) What labs will detect hypopituitarism? 6) If I can’t afford all those labs, can you tell just from…
…and Free T4, plus RT3. And we have to be OPTIMAL, not just “on” our thyroid meds, we have observed for years. Optimal seems to put our free T3 towards…
…now saw their labs were messed up. This was an attempt to see if locations are common for those who once had optimal labs, then on the same amount and…
…common with being on T4 alone or being underdosed even with T3 in one’s treatment… We learned repeatedly that “being in range” doesn’t equal “optimal”. And non-optimal serum iron…
…the labs she brought in, and states there is no such thing as adrenal fatigue, it is completely normal to be below-normal on your cortisol tests, your thyroid is fine,…