Hypothyroid in photos–Before and After
Befores and Afters are fun and inspiring! PLEASE READ 1-4 below.
- Though a lot of these photos involved weight loss, NDT or T4/T3 or T3-only are NOT “weight loss drugs”. Don’t go there. They are about better hypothyroid treatments with T3 in the treatment rather than just being on T4 alone.
- More so, these represent people feeling better about themselves, their health, their feel-goods after having T3 in their treatment.
- Though you will see a lot of mention of NDT, these will also apply to being on T4/T3, or T3-only. Read this about NDT though, which has changed since a lot of these were posted. You want a “working” NDT.
- We’ve discovered over the years that it’s important to get “optimal“, not just “on” NDT, T4/T3 or T3-only. We WILL feel better before the free T3 and free T4 are optimal…but it can eventually BACKFIRE if we stop there. So we get those frees in the right “area” of a range. For example, a free T3 which is just midrange, eventually backfires for too many Read more here.
Do YOU have a Before and After? Just combine them into one JPG, and use the Contact form to let me know you want to be on this page. I’ll respond to the Contact, and you will then reply with the attachment and a few sentences! ~Janie
Check out Sandra’s before and after, left. Not only did she lose weight due to consuming less sugar, less carbs and increasing her water intake, but changing to Natural Desiccated Thyroid increased her energy, strength, mind focus, less body aches….and helped break anxiety! This can happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out Mahgan. On the left, she was on Synthroid, having been chastised for suggesting being on NDT. She gained weight, was “zombie tired”, had brain fog, and suffered “crazy pain”. She found a doctor who was willing to prescribe NDT, got on a modified version of the AIP diet (Autoimmune Protocol) and she lost 60 lbs! Mahgan states: “Not only are the symptoms from the Hashimoto’s starting to subside (not always, but most days) but my PCOS has basically all but gone into remission. Woop woop!!” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Hello to Charlotte of Australia! She was first diagnosed 15 years ago after having her first child. After being put on Thyroxine, she wasn’t told anything other than “You’ll have to take this for the rest of your life” and “The thyroid is like an accelerator in a car” story. Charlotte states: “I was getting nowhere and getting bigger, plus was beginning to fall asleep at my work desk. Something had to change!! She then came across Stop the Thyroid Madness, found a doctor that knew something about Natural Desiccated Thyroid, and got a chemist who compounds her NDT with Turmeric. She made the switch and the picture on the right is one year later. She says “This has been a real life changer for me. There is hope and I knew I wasn’t going crazy!!” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
What an inspiration. That’s Tracey who had her thyroid removed due to cancer, spent two very miserable years on Synthroid, even 300 mcg, and had her life change by reading STTM and moving to Natural Desiccated Thyroid. The picture on the right is just six months after she had switched to NDT. What a beauty. You can read her full story here.
How inspiring if you have goiters! This is Carolyn of Australia. She states: My goitre was more an internal problem but was visible on my neck. My voice went croaky, lost the use of my higher note vocal chords. I had difficulty breathing at night and some days my airways were 95% blocked. My ultrasound showed 16 nodules with one being 1.5cm. Old dr didnt know enough so I changed drs! I moved from T4-only to NDT as well as a LCHF diet. Best thing I ever did. Goitre took a year to shrink and disappear and I have my voice back!” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
These photos of Lois are approximately one year apart. She started Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) in 2015 after 6+ years on Synthroid (the left photo is her Synthroid photo). Says Lois: “After 6 months, there was a very noticeable difference in my health and my appearance. Still working on extra weight I’m carrying on my body, but my round puffy face is gone (the right photo). Carrying on to better health in 2017.” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out Cammie’s before and after, with the left being on Synthroid and the right being on NDT. She’s got Hashi’s, not optimal yet, needs to test her adrenals just to be sure, and has sex hormones that need tweaking, but like so many, you can see the difference in her spirit and face from being on all five thyroid hormones and not being forced to live for conversion alone as she was on Synthroid. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out Shantel to the left. Yes, she’s adorable in both pics, isn’t she! The left pic shows her on 1 grain NDT and 50 mcg t3, and she still had issues, including heat intolerance, rising blood pressure etc. On the right, she has raised the T3 another 25 mcg to 75 mcg total and feels fabulous—resting heart rate down, handles heat better, more energy, sleeps better, even lost 7 lbs. She splits the T3 into 45 and 30 mcg. She’s got a twinkle in her eye! She hopes to move totally over to NDT. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out Gina! On the left, she was with former American Idol winner, Ruben Studdard & too tired to enjoy the moment or to stay awake during his concert. Her doctor chocked her symptoms up to “old age & meno”, arguing, “your TSH is 1.6…you are not hypothyroid.” Yet, she was exhausted, dry skin, “crunchy hair”, unexplained weight gain, depressed mood, carpal tunnel, severe constipation, nausea and poor appetite, hypertension, high cholesterol and low body temp.
Fast forward to 2014: Gina found Dr. Barney Van Valin through STTM who said her presentation and the history were all he needed. Says Gina: “Photo on the right is peppy me and my darling husband. I am on Acella and doing quite well. I also take DHEA 2 to 5 mg daily which has also increased my energy and helps with the hormones for those nearing or past menopause. I went from 117 lb to 111 with no significant dietary changes, have more energy, eye circles going away, constant fatigue and napping mostly gone. Every day is a gift and I am so grateful for the awesome work you have done here at STTM, Janie. You are truly a wonderful woman! Best wishes to everyone on their journey to wellness.” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
These are Angela’s combination of pictures from over the last 1 1/2 years. She switched from Synthroid to NDT. She lost 30 pounds and has had the energy to join a workout bootcamp. Says Angela: I also take T3 (Cytomel) for reverse t3 and working on iron problems. I was on T4 meds from 2010 and continued to get worse until I found STTM and groups with knowledgeable people. I just like giving people hope they it can be done.” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Lori with her remarkable transition! Says Lori: “The top two pictures were taken in July and September 2014 while being treated with Levothyroxine since 2008.The bottom left picture was taken on Halloween October 2014 (one month after the top left pic and one month to the day after being switched to Natural desiccated thyroid.) The bottom right picture, taken July 4th 2016, I am still taking NDT going gluten free and have added 3 mg of LDN which has helped lift the brain fog and done away with my fatigue!” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Top left is Helen’s pre-thyroid 5 years ago; top right is 2 years ago and very sick with fatigue, ballooning weight, sleep problems, diagnosis of Fibromyalgia; bottom left is a year ago and taking an herbal thyroid support and feeling a bit better; bottom right is after treating her cortisol issues and now on Natural Desiccated Thyroid. Big difference, Helen!!
Wow! This is Sharon of the UK. Left photo is July of 2015 on 200 mcg Levothyroxine, which is T4-only. The photo on the right is after adding T3 to the mix–i.e. 150 mcg T4 and 20 mcg T3! States Sharon: “I received the T3 on NHS Prescription but my battle for it was a long, long 2 years. I started being ill on Levo 5 years ago, and I had to give up work. I battled with my first Endo to at least try T3 (NDT is a big no no in my area) but to no avail. My GP doctor asked me for more info about T3, so I printed off info and also took with me the STTM book. Thankfully he parked the ordinal diagnosis of ME and CFS (first Endo diagnosis) and searched for the private doc on the NHS. He found him and I then waited 32 weeks to be seen by him!! But it was worth the wait and since starting T3 treatment my condition has improved tremendously.” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is pretty Jacquee. The left was taken in August 2015 while she was on levothyroxine for hypothyroidism for 6 years, and she hadn’t yet been diagnosed with Hashimotos or chronic fatigue syndrome. Says Jacquee: “The photo on the right (though taken at a slightly better angle) was 8 months after the left photo. I switched to a Naturopath and had gotten on NDT in December 2015, was diagnosed with Hashis and chronic fatigue syndrome the same month (probably had Hashis for years, but my Endo said it was irrelevant to diagnose), and went gluten free. I have not lost any weight, but I feel like my face has changed a lot!”
This is Gosia in the United Kingdom. The bottom one is exactly year ago. The top photo is after being on NDT for six months…and her smile says it all. She says it was the best decision she made. Says Gosia: “In the last couple weeks my weight seem to drop off on its own (with help from local slimming world). I feel like human being again. No pain in my joints. I’m sleeping much better and amount of energy I have now is sky high. Just make sure you have your ducks in row and you will never look back. Good luck.” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Teresa and the left is two years after her “Total Thyroidectomy For No Good Reason”, says Teresa. She was on Synthroid, and suffering from severe adrenal dysfunction (notice her orange skin) caused by the loss of her thyroid and the accidental removal of her parathyroid glands during my thyroidectomy. The photo on the right is after 5 years on NDT, and healed adrenals! Congrats Teresa! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
You can tell Mandy is a creative, free-spirited and fun gal. She was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s two years ago although she had been ill for at least 20 years, which the left photo represents. Many began taking a brand of NDT that gave slow results, so she decided to change to another brand & go gluten free 6 months ago. She says “The changes were quicker than I expected! Feeling human again!” 😊 This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Kelsey states: “I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 13 years ago, gained 40 pounds! My face was constantly swollen and I was miserable. Became obsessed with doing research about natural desiccated thyroid (NDT). Went to my doctor and got changed from Synthroid to NDT I told her to give me 3 months and see what happens. After 2 weeks, the swelling in my face and neck went down & the weight started coming off. I stopped all dairy and sugar and went on a gluten free diet. I took 2 multi-vitamins per day, with Vit. D, fish oils and calcium and had B12 injections. Down 35 pounds and I feel great! No more body aches and no more afternoon naps!!” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Wow, this is Connie. On the left is when she was on Synthroid, and on the right is one year of being on Natural Desiccated Thyroid. Connie states: “I’ve been on NDT for almost a year now and just realized how much puffiness is gone and my skin is better. I haven’t lost any weight, but I take other meds that contribute to weight gain. So…this really shows how puffy I was on Synthroid. Hang in there everyone!😊”
This is an amazing transformation by Joanne and it happened fast–the two photos are barely two months apart! On the left is right when she had started moving up on NDT, started eating gluten free to lower antibodies (lowers inflammation, too which could have caused the facial and neck swelling) as well as focusing on protein & decreasing dairy. On the right, she’s 17 lbs lighter and power walks 5 times a week. Congrats Joanne!! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Tammy. The pic on the left was taken four years previous when she was very sick with adrenal problems and Hashimoto’s. Tammy says she felt like she was dying. The pic on the right was after 4 years of being gluten and grain free, getting off Synthroid NDT. She states: “I still focus on my health daily and fail occasionally but WOW due I feel and look different and better. Never stop trying!”
Mel has had quite the transformation! The picture on the left is after struggling with Hashimoto’s and being on Synthroid for eight years. Says Mel “I was sluggish, exhausted and had cystic acne. I was a mess!” The picture on the right is taken almost 2 years later, after being on NatureThroid and raising up slowly to the 4 grain mark. Congratulations Mel!! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Emily and on the left, she was suffering from chronic inflammation, brewer’s/bakers yeast allergy, low iron, adrenal issues, low B12…and on too low a dose of Armour natural desiccated thyroid. She thought she’d never feel normal again. The right is over five months later, having corrected her issues, raised to 3 grains thanks to information she read on STTM, and is now yeast-free and alcohol free. Says Emily: the “buffalo hump” I’ve had for nearly 5 years is almost gone!! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out Barbara’s before and after, above. On the left, she was told she was “normal” because her labs fell in the normal range. So she put herself on atural desiccated thyroid from Thailand, and the right represents six months later! She feels so much better. Her hairdresser even told her how much nice her hair feels now! Barbara says she hasn’t lost weight like some do (NDT is not a weight loss drug) but her face is definitely less puffy and she feels so much better! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Kathy of Australia! On the left was just 9 months ago when she found had she had MTHFR issues, hormonal issues, adrenal issues, low Vitamin D on top of being undiagnosed for 13 years! So she knew she had to start getting her Ducks in a Row! On the right, Kathy is just two weeks away from being 50, on 3 1/2 grains NDT, 4.5 mg of LDN, plus supplements to treat her other issues…and Kathy says with joy “I can dance at my own party!”
This is Casey, and it’s not that she’s changed so much because she’s adorable in BOTH…but here’s what she had to say: The pic on the left is me at the beginning of my NDT journey 6 months ago. After a total thyroidectomy in 2011, I had been on 150mcg thyroxine daily and felt like a depressed, cranky, unmotivated lump of lard. I made the switch to NDT, discovered and addressed a B12 deficiency, adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance and added a whole heap of supplements to my diet. In the photo on the right is me today, I just finished a 45 minute pilates workout, because I can WORKOUT NOW!!! 6 months ago I would laughed in your face if you asked me to work out, but now I do it 4-5 times a week and love it!!! I still have a long way to go on this epic journey back to optimal health, but I am well on my way! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out this incredible Before and After of Jennifer, above. She states: After being diagnosed with lupus, Hashimotos soon followed. I gained 100 lbs in just a few months!! It took a long time, but the Natural Desiccated Thyroid finally kicked in over the previous T4-only medications.
This is beautiful Cindy, who stated that the photo on the left was before she started on NDT, and before detoxing or addressing her adrenal issues or eating clean. On the right is feeling like the living again with decreased mental fog, decreased anger, no bloating, no fatigue, & lost weight! Cindy says “Thanks, Stop The Thyroid Madness for getting me started on the right path!” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out Sallyann of the UK who is such an inspiration. She states: “Thanks to NDT, I feel alive!! Amazing!! Full of energy, back to myself and ready to take on the world. In the one on the left, I was utterly fed up, couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, no energy, and dragging myself through each day at 37! I knew I had to find an answer.”
Hello from Courtney of Canada. For the first time in 28 years, she says she feels almost human again thanks to desiccated thyroid, daily supplements, immune boosters, and adrenal support! And she’s lost 50 lbs! Photos from upper left to lower right in just four months, Courtney says she’s got her chin and nose back that she remembers from so long ago!
Says Dana of Spain, above: “What a difference Natural Desiccate Thyroid makes! One year ago today on Synthroid on the left, and today on the right after not quite 6 months on NDT, 27 lbs lost.” Dana didn’t count calories, but did stop drinking cola and increased her veggies! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Aimee, above! On the left was nine months ago while taking levothyroxine, held by the TSH, and on very few supplements. On the right is Aimee taking 4 grains NDT, treating her sex hormones, plus lots of vitamins and minerals. She’s now able to workout, her bones don’t ache, and she feels alive and healthy again. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Eileen 10 months previous, being on too low a dose of NDT for too long followed by being on Synthroid for 36 years! To the right, she’s been on NDT a year, feels great, and her cholesterol is down 102 points. She wants everyone to know that that there is a light at the end of that seemingly endless tunnel. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Here is Michaela’s Before and After…and it’s the After that tells the story! With Hashimotos, she’s now on 270mg of NDT and feels much less swollen, as her face shows. She has been gluten and dairy free for 2 years, and recently reduced her grain (rice) intake. She has always had chronic urticaria (hives) which was triggered by the Hashi’s, and since increasing her NDT dose, she’s now HIVE FREE!! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Above is Brooke! The photo on the left was over a year ago on Synthroid, “looking puffy all over my face and especially my neck! I remember looking in the mirror thinking ‘Who is this person?!'”. Her after photo on the right was taken while on Cytomel only. Says Brooke: “I look like me again! This is the face I remember and I feel so much better at 30 than I ever did in my early 20s.” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Betty. She hated her size and felt like it wasn’t her at all. She wondered how she got so lost. On the bottom, says Betty is “the real me”. She’s been properly treated on NDT for seven months. She wants to lose more weight, but 40 lbs is a good start and incentive, says Betty. “For those at the beginning of your journey…..be persistent, don’t let the hard work get you down!”
With her little one, Trisha was lovely in her before photo on the left taken one year ago, but here’s what she says: It’s my one-year NDT anniversary! The Christmas photo on the left was taken on Levothyroxine (10 years of increasingly larger doses). I was pretty sick with Hashimoto’s at that point. The second photo is from now, 2015. I’m 10 pounds lighter, and more alert and active, due to NDT, supplements and AIP diet. Hooray Trisha! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Here’s Debbie–First photo, she had been trying to get anyone to believe that she was hypo despite my “normal” labs. Second picture is after 3 months Paleo (since she refused to take statins and diabetes meds) and Natural Desiccated Thyroid. Says Debbie: “Stupid doctors and I saw 9 of them and worked for 4 others!” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

This is Amanda. The first two pics are her at her heaviest while on Oroxine (T4-only), around 109 kilos and going downhill fast with heart rate of 35 beats a minute and severe breathlessness, fatigue and not wanting to live. The third pic was about three moths after starting NDT. The last pic is today (January 2015) weighing in at 94 kilos and now also on adrenal support. She is aiming to be totally gluten free.
Check out Jamia above. The photo on left was Jamia 4 years after her thyroid cancer and being on levothyroxine. The photo on the right is 2 years later after successfully convincing her doctor to switch her to Armour. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Check out Kellymarie before, during and after! She had Hashi’s a long time and didn’t know it. Even with a massive amount of nodules, no doctor said Hashimotos. She found STTM, avoided Synthroid, got on NDT, then T3 for the surgery that removed her badly-noduled thyroid with unhappy Hurthle cells…and she has lost 45 lbs and doing well. She says “I learned everything not to do and everything right TO DO from STTM.”

The above is Kate S., who on the left, was still on T4-only, and on the right while on Natural Desiccated Thyroid. She also removed gluten from her diet, which helped her face so much. She continues to fight her doctors to allow her to stay on the right dose! Note: this can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
That’s Maria, aon left, in 2012 BEFORE childbirth! Pic on the right is Maria two years later, over 60 pounds lighter and down 5 sizes! She had a thyroid cancer diagnosis, plus two surgeries in 2014. She’s on 245mg NDT, split 3 times a day, 25mg hydrocortisone dosed as per STTM. No sugar, dairy, caffeine, gluten, soy, etc, and still working on the balance of thyroid, adrenals, sex hormones, low iron, etc. Says Maria: “I was feeling crappy for over 10 years and my doctors told me it was in my head. I know now to trust my body, trust my instincts, educate myself, and fight for the care I deserve.” This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
This is Sophie one year ago. To the right is after six months with a change of lifestyle and diet, plus adding vitamin, porcine desiccated thyroid and adrenal supplements.
After being on NDT for only two weeks after 17 years on Synthroid, Christy’s before and after (above) doesn’t show obvious changes, but she says her swelling is less. And you can see by the smile on her face that she’s already feeling better. 🙂 And hopefully, Christy will send a third photo in several months after she’s found her optimal dose of NDT. We’ll probably even see more changes!!
Nona on the left was on levothyroxine for 2 years with no relief at all from hypothyroid symptoms. She could barely get from one room to another six months later. After going on the Autoimmune Protocol diet, supporting her adrenals, starting on LDN to treat her Hashi’s antibodies, then moving to WP Thyroid and Cytomel, Nona lost 34 lbs, 5 sizes, and sleeps much better with great energy during the day! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
Betty’s pictures are 1 year apart. She gained 60 pounds taking Synthroid only; switched to NDT and lost all the weight she gained. Congrats Betty!!

(Strangely, the info on this gal was lost. But you can see she felt better about herself due to having T3 in her treatment, thus sending in these photos. )
OMG, said VICKY left! The pic on far left was taken Sept. 2013 at the Omaha Zoo–she was on only 90 mg NDT because her doctor refused to let her raise it. The picture in the middle is after self dosing Armour at 5 grains about five months later while out to dinner with her husband. She didn’t realize the difference! The one on the far right is August 2014 and she has lost a total of 42 lbs!! She is thyroidless, on 6 grains, and is wheat/grain/gluten free due to having Hashimotos.

Above in 2007, Paula had been suffering from Fibromyalgia for 17 years; by 2013 with a combination of ACE (adrenal cortex for proven low cortisol), NDT and T3, she was pain free, the goiter was gone, and she was hiking the Appalachian Trail!
Jennifer, left, has come a long way with easy weight gain since childhood, lots of poor diagnosis and treatment, and finally Lyme…but she is now using T3 in her treatment and is still work in progress! You can read her story here.
Here’s DIANE above, before and after. She started NDT in September 2013, and along with the Paleo AIP diet + coconut oil 2 tablespoon a day, she’s down 48 pounds and feeling great!! She says her biggest thanks go to the revised STTM book which also told her to make sure her iron was optimal!! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

MATTHEW started back on Armour on August. He lost 66 lbs total in 2013, 50 of them since starting Armour. The left one was 15 months ago at his heaviest. He is now at 3 grains and holding. Looking good. Only 30 more lbs to “Normal” range. (1-2-13) This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
ANGELA. On the left–April 2012 in Synthroid hell. She felt suicidal, despondent, angry-depressed, fearful/terrified, confused, lonely, and absolutely nowhere to turn. The pic on the right was taken six months after switching to Armour and she is feeling alive again, and got weight loss as a perk!
Check out VICKY left. The left photo was taken May, 2013 after 13 years on Levothyroxine. The right photo was taken November 2013 after being on Armour since June, 2013. She lost 8 lbs. No more swelling under eyes! Less going on under chin!

Check out Vicky’s daughter “ZOE” above through the years, who had to suffer from being undiagnosed with hypothyroidism. As a result, she had weight gain plus symptoms her pediatrician would blame on her being obese. Vicky states she used to trust doctors, but now questions every decision they make. She is now on NDT and still has symptoms but they are fewer and less severe. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

The upper left photo is Amy before she realized she had a thyroid problem in 2009. Middle is 18 months on natural desiccated thyroid. To the right is 2013 after three years being on NDT! Her hair has started to grow back and has lost between 10 – 15 lbs since 2009.

Above, SUZIE was a beaut before diagnosis, but you can see the new sparkle in her eye after NDT (and the loss of a swollen thyroid gland)!
Here’s KAREN left-the upper left was 2009 when she was very sick, and the bottom right today after being on NDT since January, 2013. Way to go, Karen!
Check out CATHY after getting on NDT and improving her Vitamin D and B12 levels! Good job, Cathy!
35 lbs down, say MANDY, left, and only 4-5 mos on NDT & 10 weeks post op surgery for excision of endometriosis and adenomyosis. She really saw a big difference with the NDT following surgery!

ELIZABETH’S pic on left is when she had an undiagnosed thyroid problem, along with a myriad of wrong diagnoses from post-partum depression to fibrocystic breasts and everything else in between. Her photo on the right is just one year later on NDT!

Is this cute or what? Precious NORAH above. 🙂 Gone is the depression in her nasal bridge area, better cognition, better strength, reduced tongue size. Her ability to execute skills learned increases substantially within days of beginning desiccated thyroid. Her growth resumed. Her hole in her heart is now considered resolved. NDT works!!
CLARA. Left is her before…chubby, rritable in 2006, OCD, depression, heart palpitations, air hunger, Etc. Right is after being on NDT for over 2 years and paleo for several months (and about to meet Betty White!) in November 2012. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

GRANT, above, is on cortisol for adrenals, Armour for thyroid, Testosterone. He is allergic to rice, slightly to milk and can only have breads occasionally. He also takes B12 and vit D. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

KRISTEN, above. First pic while treated with Synthroid. Second after she had switched to desiccated thyroid–she lost 70 lbs in 9 months while going gluten, dairy, and soy free. She is also a brain cancer survivor! She firmly believes the information she received from STTM saved her life! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

BARBARA above. On the left she was on Synthroid, where she felt like her gas tank was always 1/4 full and her life was not the same. Middle photo after switching to NDT, and on the right, down 13 lbs and still losing plus feeling better again! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

YASMIN, above, who started Thyrogold, lost 35 pounds and got her life back. This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

Above is ERIN–left in September 2011 at her heaviest and unhealthiest weight while on Synthroid. On the right is 23 pounds lighter on NDT vitamin D, B12 and iron. Feeling so much better, she says (even though we all feel she looked great then!). This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

NIKKI above: before NDT, middle at 2 months,then 4 months after starting NDT, 9 lbs lighter with far less weight in her face and feeling so much better! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

DIANE Marie Wilson, above.

Before and after pictures of SHELLEY Soden Crocker, 2-3 weeks after start of NDT! Amazing!! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.

NINA OF SWEDEN (Hashimotos) Left: still healthy on T4-only medicine, Levaxin Middle: Real sick, got edema and adrenal fatique thanks to being on T4-only Right: Almost well again with natural desiccated thyroid! This can also happen on T4/T3 or T3-only.
JULIANNA, 8 years old, before thyroid treatment on the left, one year after on the right.

NICOLE–before and after with better treatment that includes T3!
Do you have a before and after picture? Use the Contact below to send Janie the JPG of your photo, which must already have both photos side-by-side, please. Give me the name, age, and thyroid treatment detail in one sentence or less.
Important note: STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.