Is Cellulose the real problem in desiccated thyroid meds for many?
(This blog post is updated to the current day and time. Enjoy!) When Forest Labs reformulated Armour desiccated thyroid in … Continued
(This blog post is updated to the current day and time. Enjoy!) When Forest Labs reformulated Armour desiccated thyroid in … Continued
Sometimes there is a silver lining with the storm cloud of backordered US desiccated thyroid. Erfa, the makers of the … Continued
As thyroid patients are not only in angst about a complete shortage of desiccated thyroid in the US, we all … Continued
There once was a gnarly, bottom-scratching and tuna-breathed man who terrorized a neighborhood as if he was above the law. … Continued
This post was originally written in 2009–interesting that nothing has changed since then. Just spoke with a thyroid patient who … Continued