Feel better on T4 than you did on Natural Desiccated Thyroid?
Occasionally, hypothyroid patients will exclaim with conviction and truth that they outright feel better on Synthroid or Levothyroxine (T4-only meds) … Continued
Occasionally, hypothyroid patients will exclaim with conviction and truth that they outright feel better on Synthroid or Levothyroxine (T4-only meds) … Continued
For years, a huge body of thyroid patients have remained sick, or gotten sick, due to believing in their doctors.
And the worst group of doctors, as reported again and again by thyroid patients, have been Endocrinologists. So when a new person on any patient forum states they are looking for an Endocrinologist, more experienced thyroid patients wince.
And this is why Stop the Thyroid Madness, and most especially the book, exists–to educate you about successful patient experience and wisdom so that in turn, you can recognize what is good doctoring, and what is NOT…in any physician.
Below is a graphic letter written by an appalled patient about her disappointing experience with her Endocrinologist. Nearly any thyroid patient can identify!
(Though this page was written in 2011, it has been updated to the present date) Are you enjoying the change … Continued
HUMOROUS VIDEO ABOUT ADRENAL FATIGUE: In my blog post last February 15th, 2011, I sent you in the direction of … Continued
(This page was updated to the present day and time. Enjoy!) It happens often–someone will join a patient group, … Continued