Australia is adding iodine to their bread
On the heels of an excellent Thyroid Patient STTM Community Call on iodine with guest Stephanie Buist (see below), it … Continued
On the heels of an excellent Thyroid Patient STTM Community Call on iodine with guest Stephanie Buist (see below), it … Continued
Sometimes there is a silver lining with the storm cloud of backordered US desiccated thyroid. Erfa, the makers of the … Continued
Just when you think we’re full of great information for better thyroid care, there’s still more to learn and find … Continued
My mouth just fell open last night. Apparently, in December of 2002, an Australian doctor named JP Walsh (Department of … Continued
I use those phrases often. I can’t help it. Because it’s exactly what doctors are when it comes to thyroid … Continued