My Story
…“target” TSH. Doctor after doctor, diagnosis after diagnosis During these T4-only treated years, I saw a broad slew of doctors and was tested for every condition imaginable. I did tests…
…“target” TSH. Doctor after doctor, diagnosis after diagnosis During these T4-only treated years, I saw a broad slew of doctors and was tested for every condition imaginable. I did tests…
…by hypothyroidism. In many cases my doctors ordered extensive blood tests to try to work out what was causing my symptoms. All of these tests always came back normal and…
…optimal dose of NDT or T3, our TSH lab test will fall below range. That is not hyper. A suppressed TSH lab test with Graves disease is hyper. That is…
…Doctor. And his most recent and humorously brilliant post is titled Hairy legs are better than blood tests! He describes his occasional confusion when blood tests don’t agree with the…
…and kind) Being held hostage to the man-made TSH lab test range (which patients noted has caused continuing hypothyroid symptoms) Your refusal to prescribe the Reverse T3 (RT3) lab test…