Laura’s Story

Battling depression for 15 years, and going from doctor to doctor only to be told her thyroid was “normal”, Laura finally found a doctor who put her on Armour, and…

Kandice’s Story

…found a semi decent endo. He put me on Armour and I felt decent but not great for a while. Now having found STTM, I realize the problem then was…

Irene’s Story

Irene spent 26 years on T4-only with constant problems, and doctors simply said she was depressed and her TSH was “normal”. She finally got on Armour and her life started…

I haven’t heard it all after all!

Sometimes when you think you’ve heard it all, you find out–you haven’t. There are a plethera of puny and particularly pitiful excuses that doctors give for not prescribing Armour: 1)…