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Want to chat with the creator of Stop the Thyroid Madness whose brain is FULL of information from doing this 22 years?

Have you been hitting a dead end and feeling stuck?

Have you worked with someone before & got conflicting info based on their “opinions” while they falsely called it “STTM info”?

Not sure how to explain issues to your doctor and want ideas??

Need privacy & one-on-one encouragement, hope & support?

Janie A. Bowthorpe, M.Ed. is a thyroid patient activist, thyroid patient herself, author of STTM related books, speaker, blogger, and the creator of the Stop the Thyroid Madness website/books since 2002. She is available to do a patient-to-patient coaching / consultation call to help you be more informed as to how thyroid patients are getting well. You can also use the information in working with your doctor.


One of three ways below. (The graphics below are not clickable. Decide which, then continue reading below)

READ EVERYTHING BELOW about cost and scheduling! Skipping below is a mistake.

  1. AFTER I REQUEST A CALL VIA THE FORM (link below), WHAT COMES NEXT? Within 1-3 days, Janie will respond with a suggested day/time, plus paying instructions to reserve the offered spot. You then reply with a SCREENSHOT of the completed $90 Paypal payment. (Note: if the day/time she gives doesn’t work, let her know BEFORE paying. We’ll work on another day/time. 🙂
  2. IF I DON’T CHECK MY EMAIL OFTEN ENOUGH TO SEE JANIE’S REPLY, IS IT STILL MINE? Unfortunately, because I have to work with a lot of requests, I may have to give what I offered in my reply to someone else who is ready to pay and reserve. 🙁
  3. WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND AFTER PAYING FOR THE SUGGESTED DAY/TIME, WHICH RESERVED MY SPOT? Your payment is an agreement for the specific day/time, with no refunds. It does not become a ‘credit’ for a new day and day. 🙁
  4. CAN I PAY “BEFORE” JANIE AND I EVER AGREE UPON A DAY AND TIME? No! Don’t do that. It becomes too confusing for Janie to find that payment later. WAIT until we agree on a day and time.
  5. IF I WANT TO STAY WITHIN THE PREPAID 30 MINUTES or LESS, DO I NEED TO WATCH THE TIME? Yes. It’s up to YOU to watch the time, otherwise there is a charge per extra minute. But understand it is impossible to relay all the information in only 30 minutes for the first call.
  6. DO I NEED TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO REMEMBER WHEN WE ARE DOING A CALL? Yes. Since there are no refunds, nor using the payment like a credit for another day and time, you are responsible to remember the day/time of your scheduled call. You agree to this by requesting a call.

HOORAY!! You do not have to have a PayPal account to use the PayPal request Janie will send for payment–it can also be just an intermediary with your credit card. Your credit card in a month will show PayPal and “Thyroid Call”. 

PAGE TWO: WHERE IS THE FORM TO REQUEST A COACHING CALL? Go here and read the entire page

Important note: Anything related to Stop the Thyroid Madness, whether website, books, coaching calls and etc is simply information-only based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their observations and experiences. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.