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The following STTM-copyrighted list of “stressed adrenal symptoms” is a compilation experienced or observed, and reported by patients, and shown here on this site and more in the STTM 1 book. Many of these are related to low cortisol, but some can be experienced with high cortisol, and also with low aldosterone. ~Janie, hypothyroid patient and site creator

These symptoms can also be found or exacerbated while raising natural desiccated thyroid or T3. The most common ones noticed when raising a thyroid med with T3 are “hyper-like”, such as higher heartrate, palps, anxiety, shakiness, and more based on the individuality of patients. They can occur at low doses of desiccated thyroid or T3, or they can wait to occur when a patient gets higher in raises. It’s individual. Patients have also reported seeing themselves have a high free T3 with continuing symptoms, which we call pooling. Please share this information from patients with your doctor.

This is all why it is SO important to be aware of your adrenals and symptoms. We also lower the T3 in our treatment if T3 is revealing these symptoms. Additionally, we order and do a saliva cortisol test (more accurate than blood), plus ask our doctor for an aldosterone blood test. Chapter 6 in the STTM 1 book goes into detail what patients have learned in the treatment of stressed adrenals. Also share this information in working with your doctor.

They are in no particular order, and you can have some and not others:

STTM Graphic Adrenal symptoms part one BLACK BACKGROUND
STTM graphic Adrenal symptoms part two BLACK BACKGROUND


  • continuing hypothyroid symptoms with a high free T3
  • shaky hands; shakiness
  • Internal vibrations
  • bad heart palps
  • higher heart rate
  • pounding heart
  • feelings of panic
  • weakness
  • inability to handle stress
  • inability to handle interactions with others
  • inability to focus
  • rage or sudden angry outbursts
  • emotionally hyper sensitive
  • overreactive
  • highly defensive
  • feeling paranoid about people or things
  • exacerbated reactions to daily stress
  • no patience
  • easily irritated
  • mild to severe hypoglycemic episodes (low blood sugar)
  • nausea in the face of stress
  • taking days to recover from even minor stress
  • taking days to recover from a dental visit
  • flu-like symptoms
  • headache
  • all over body ache
  • super-sensitive skin
  • extreme fatigue
  • scalp ache
  • hyper feeling
  • jittery
  • clumsy (drop things, bump into things)
  • confusion
  • suddenly feel extremely hungry (not common)
  • low back pain
  • dull cloud-filled head (happens when patient is due for a next cortisol dose)
  • jumpiness
  • muscle weakness
  • “air hunger” similar to hypo
  • dizziness
  • light headedness
  • motion sickness
  • coffee putting patient to sleep
  • vomiting even running up the slightest incline
  • almost passing out every time patient gets up
  • dark circles under my eyes
  • waking up in the middle of the night for several hours
  • difficulty falling asleep
  • waking up feeling tired
  • frequent urination
  • IBS symptoms
  • worsening allergies
  • ….and even more in the STTM 1 book with the blue gray cover

If you have any of the above, it is highly recommended by informed patients that you confirm stressed adrenals with the Discovery Steps found on the Adrenal-info page or Chapter Five in the revised STTM book with more in the list.

To finally stressed adrenals, we do the saliva cortisol test, NOT blood–the latter which is testing mostly bound cortisol. Then we compare the results to this page We do use blood to test Aldosterone, sodium and potassium.

The ACTH STIM may be good to detect if you have a pituitary problem, but may fail you to detect the kind of adrenal dysfunction that many hypothyroid patients have. It’s also recommended that you try to find a doctor who will be open minded about adrenal treatment. 

Thank you to those who have the ethics NOT to use STTM material as if it’s your own. This information is copyrighted.

Important note: STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.