The most informative books you’ll read: Stop the Thyroid Madness and Hashimoto’s: Taming the Beast
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STOP THE THYROID MADNESS: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Thyroid Treatment UPDATED REVISED EDITION
HASHIMOTO’S: TAMING THE BEAST (a great companion book to the above)

Based on the experience of a large and growing body of patients worldwide along with several wise and caring doctors, this is the patient-to-patient experiences book, chock full of practical, comprehensive and user-friendly information about better thyroid treatment, more revealing labwork, and conditions that accompany hypothyroid–all to make you far more educated and pro-active when you enter your doctor’s office.
One of the most detailed treatment books you’ll ever read…and read…and read. And it’s now been UPDATED!!
This “bible of thyroid treatment” contains…
- More detail about the history of T4 use and why it has never worked
- The history of desiccated thyroid and why it does work
- An entire chapter on the lousy TSH lab (Thyroid Stimulating Hooey)
- An entire chapter on T3, Reverse T3, and how to interpret those labs and dose
- More about hypothyroid causes
- More details in two extensive chapters on adrenal dysfunction and fatigue
- A chapter about mental health issues with a tongue-in-cheek perspective
- An exhaustive addendum on how to interpret your saliva cortisol labs by adrenal/hypopituitary patient Bob Harvey.
- A chapter specifically for doctors
- Patient-to-patient information on dosing desiccated thyroid
- New case scenarios throughout the book
- Up-to-date resources.
Order this life-changing book from the publishing website, here:
It can be ordered here.
1) “Taming the Beast”, a companion book to the updated revision STTM book, has purposely been put together as concise and to the point, yet comprehensive. That means it intentionally gets to the point about key information related to Hashimoto’s, while avoiding chattiness or long pages of stories to help those of you with brain fog and concentration problems. 🙂
2) Some of the information you may have read before, while some is very unique to this wonderful book!
3) FOUR chapters fully pertaining to reported patient experiences and wisdom which can help change your life and reveal that you are NOT alone as a Hashi’s patient!
1) Why and how Hashimoto’s patients go years without help or awareness of what is going on
2) Patient-reported foods which were and are problematic for some, and all the symptoms
3) 43 most frustrating aspects of having Hashi’s as expressed by patients (especially about doctors)
4) 95 short testimonies on what patients are using or doing to successfully lower their antibodies!
3) Like research? You will see a total of 241 footnotes throughout this book that will send you to research articles, or just good information for further reading. Additionally, one chapter simply summarizes 46 research articles pertaining to Hashi’s in one (or two) sentences. And as intended, YOU can choose what you want to further read…or not.
4) You will be made aware of, or reminded about, a variety of environmental triggers that can either birth autoimmune Hashi’s in the first place, or make one’s current antibodies worse. (Chapter 4)
5) There is a chapter totally focused on Hashimoto’s inflammation--what it can do to you, inflammation labs, what to do about inflammation, supplements and foods to consider to counter inflammation, and short summaries of three ways to eat to counter inflammation. (Plus of course, good footnotes, and added URL’s in the body if needed)
6) Two excellent and informative chapters on different gut health problems to explore, or be reacquainted with, including symptoms, types under each category, ways to treat, and more.
7) Other examples of patient experiences inserted throughout many chapters
8) Different lists of patient-reported symptoms within different chapters to help identify your issues, for example:
- a chapter listing patient symptoms from the autoimmune attack
- another chapter highlighting patients symptoms of adrenal problems
- more about patient-reported hypothyroid symptoms that appear while on T4-only or being under-dosed due to a doctor’s incorrect reliance on the lousy TSH lab test,
- patient-reported inflammation symptom list…etc.
9) Each chapter has a lighthearted small drawing, pertaining to the subject, to send a friendly message about a serious topic, all drawn by Janie A. Bowthorpe, who is an artist.
10) There is a blank “NOTES” page at the end of each chapter where you can put page numbers to remember, or additional information you have gleaned in this book or others! That way, you don’t have to flip through all the pages to find what was important to you.
AND SO MUCH MORE!! This book encourages you to underline, highlight, dog-ear, paper clip, and use the NOTES page at the end of each chapter. This is YOUR book.
FROM JANIE: When I created this STTM website, it was done to counter lousy advice I was seeing on the internet on certain websites–advice that was keeping patients sick. I thought it was going to help make a huge change towards far better thyroid treatment. And it definitely has. Yet, I kept getting requests for a book version. People wanted something right in their hands to learn from, and to take into their doctor’s office. So, I finally created the STTM book. I made sure that all that you find on this website is in the book, but I also added a great deal more, as mentioned above. And to my great relief, the feedback has been excellent. Below are just some of the comments I’ve gotten, which I hope helps you in deciding if you need the book, as well. You can read even more feedback here.
“Hi. I just wanted to email you to let you know that I got the book, and my wife is reading it. She has suffered a lot, and is crying at what you have in there. It’s her. We are making an appointment with a new guy, a DO next door to our old one, and will know exactly what to ask for. Thanks for putting this together. Jenny says hi. -Tom
“Janie, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Your book is a godsend. – Lorell
Janie, I just got the Hashimoto’s: Taming the Beast book and to say the least, I’ve already learned a lot. Thank you, thank you for putting all that information together. -Lorraine
“All I can say is Wow and I haven’t even finished it yet. I have read four hypothyroid books and gained meaty stuff, but yours will be a classic, Janie. -Victoria
“I hope several people will send this book to Oprah!! PLEASE send this to Oprah!! It may take that many to finally get her to see the light and get this message in the media!” -Pat
“I love your website but I found your book to be far easier to browse through. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, and I had a good laugh when I looked through your Glossary.” -Michelle R.
“Janie, I took the STTM book into my appointment with bookmarks and wowed my doctor. haha I’m on Naturethroid because of it. I just have to use it again to get a higher dose to get rid of my problems. Thank you really.” -Tracey
Important note: STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.