The Most Important Thyroid Book You Will Own: the updated revision of the Stop the Thyroid Madness

PRESENTING: The 2019 “updated revision” of the classic Stop the Thyroid Madness book. It’s a life-changing patient-to-patient hypothyroid book on how to get well! Both softback and hardback!
What’s the same compared to previous versions?
This Stop the Thyroid Madness book, a classic “bible of patient experiences and wisdom” still contains the same chapter titles, the informative introduction by Janie A. Bowthorpe, and the life-changing experiences and wisdom of patients throughout. You’ll still read about..
- the history and problems with T4-only medications like Synthroid, Levothyroxine and other brands
- why Natural Desiccated Thyroid or T4/T3 has been changing lives, plus history not seen anywhere else due to Janie’s diligence in research (as of this writing, it’s compounded NDT which works the best, as well as Thai brands like Thyroid-S)
- how the TSH lab is a huge failure
- a chapter focused on T3
- two adrenal chapters
- things patients have learned
- Hashimoto’s
- About foods, supplements, iron, B12, Vitamin D, labs. And more!
What’s been updated in this 2019 revision book?

A lot! Though the “updated revision” is a continuation of former excellent and breaking, PATIENT-TO-PATIENT, there is now updated information throughout the entire book where it’s needed!
- This time, there is a hardback version of this bible of patient experiences! You’ll be glad as this is a book that is referred to a lot and deserves the toughness
- Names of outdated products removed throughout
- New products and names mentioned in several chapters
- Descriptions of product updates
- Updated descriptions throughout of how patients are doing it all, which replaces outdated info
- A great deal of adrenal updates to chapters 5 and 6 including about the use of Adrenal Cortex (ACE), while still having info about hydrocortisone (HC). So much more.
- Numerous mentions of what being “optimal” means throughout the book, rather than just being “on” NDT or T3 in your treatment
- More mentions of being on both synthetic T4 with synthetic T3 as an alternative option for those who have difficulty getting natural desiccated thyroid (NDT), are having problems with changed tablets, or don’t want pork.
- What happens if one is not optimal on thyroid meds
- Additional “tidbits” at the end of several chapters while retaining some of the original ones
- Removal of the word “ferritin” right after the word “serum iron”. It’s about serum iron, not ferritin. Ferritin is only helpful to discern inflammation or a methylation problem, which is mentioned.
- Mention in the T4 chapter about Tirosint, but continues to explain the problem of forcing the body to live for conversion alone. It’s about FIVE hormones, not just T4.
- Light gray rectangular boxes throughout the book, meant to highlight certain important sentences and information.
- Updated info about the different kinds of iron products
- Several additions to the list of supplements and good foods
- A photo of an antique bottle of natural desiccated thyroid owned by Janie Bowthorpe—it’s been the best treatment for a long time!
- And more throughout that you will see and appreciate–the bible patient experiences and wisdom!
FYI: this book came out RIGHT before NP Thyroid by Acella was recalled due to patients reporting seeing a return of symptoms, and a very strange taste. It eventually came back and patients are reporting doing well on it, though some also report the same odd smell here or there.

You will also see mention of a companion book for those who have Hashimoto’s, the autoimmune version of hypothyroidism called…
Hashimoto’s: Taming the Beast
A continuation of patient-to-patient information about Hashimoto’s that starts with solid and important information…then leads to four key patient-to-patient chapters. Also includes a chapter with 96 individual summaries on how each person got their antibodies down. This book is detailed, to the point, and avoids chitchat or long stories to help those with brain fog!
Read about and order either or both here:

Important note: STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.