Books On Thyroid

At the top of your list, you should consider these three books above. Two of the three–those on the right, are about solid patient-to-patient information and extremely valuable. The one on the left has chapters with information contributed by medical professionals. In fact, the last chapter is an EXCELLENT explanation of why we get low cortisol. Read about them and order here:
- Impaired Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone (Thyroid Hormone Resistance): A Cause of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, ME, Coeliac Disease, MS, Heart Disease, Depression and Many Other Conditions
by Hugh A. Hamilton.
This kindle ebook is a compilation of excellent information concerning the genetic condition which causes impaired Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone (ISTH), a more broad term for what we also call Thyroid Hormone Resistance. These individuals also seem to need quite high doses of thyroid meds to even begin to touch their hypothyroid state because of their impaired ability to use thyroid hormones. Though it’s said to be rare, Hamilton suggests it may be more common than realized. Says Hamilton, “This book brings together information from many sources and seeks to present it in a concise, easy to read form suitable for people with no medical knowledge. The key information in the book is from published medical research and official medical websites and references to the sources have been included at the end of each chapter to allow verification.
- Hypothyroidism: the Unsuspected Illness
by Broda O. Barnes, M.D. and Lawrence Galton
A classic written by the father of the Desiccated Thyroid movement! The book from which much of our current knowledge sprang and developed, it explains the thyroid gland, how it works, and problems its dysfunction can induce. Includes detailed case histories of patients, often who were thought hopeless, whose problems were discovered to be related to hypothyroidism and were cured by Dr. Barnes’ simple effective techniques.
Broda Barnes, M.D. practiced medicine for over 35 years. His experience with patients suffering from undiscovered cases of hypothyroidism led him to write this book. Lawrence Galton is an experienced medical writer.
- Safe Uses of Cortisol
by William McK. Jefferies, M.D., F. A. C. P.
In my opinion, this is a MUST HAVE and a classic–the very book that taught patients how to use cortisol. It’s for the ?adrenal student? wanting to know more, and includes therapeutic recommendations and important aspects of cortisone or cortisol in patients with chronic allergies, autoimmune disorders, and chronic fatigue. I personally outlined this book extensively. Incredible gems of information.
- Breast Cancer and Iodine by David M. Derry, MD, PhD
I highly recommend this if you are female, or concerned about the hormonal health of your female loved one or friend. This book gives practical and important information about the cause, prevention and treatment of breast cancer with the use of iodine, besides information about the efficacy of desiccated thyroid.
Dr. Derry is now retired, but was a beloved thyroid expert in Canada for years. He was one of the first to notice that the TSH lab test in the early 70’s was a potential failure.
- The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life by Lynne Farrow
New in 2013, author Lynne Farrow has compiled this wonderful book concerning a worldwide iodine deficiency epidemic, making you “sick, fat and stupid”. And, says Farrow, iodized salt doesn’t cut it. Her book explains how we became so deficient, then shows the time-tested solution to reversing many conditions.
Lynne is Director of Breast Cancer Choices, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to the scrutinizing the evidence for breast cancer procedures and treatments and editor for
- Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic by Mark Starr, M.D. (Revised in 2013)
From the perspective of a doctor, this is a clear and understandable explanation of why so many people today are suffering from hypothyroidism, despite ?normal? blood tests. Has information on the cause and successful treatment for obesity, heart attacks, depression, diabetes, strokes, headaches, chronic fatigue, and others. He delves into the environmental and hereditary factors with excellent photographs, historical references and pertinent study summaries. He states that most lab testing is completely inadequate, and current treatment for hypothyroidism is ineffective.
Dr. Mark Starr is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and a Diplomat of the American Board of Pain Medicine. He has studied with President Kennedy’s famous pain specialist, Hans Kraus, M.D., and Lawrence S. Sonkin, M.D., Ph.D., renowned endocrinologist at the New York Hospital-/Cornell Medical Center.
- The Metabolic Treatment of Fibromyalgia
by Dr. John C. Lowe
Thyroid patients love Dr. Lowe! And though his book is very expensive, this is a firm must-have if you are into serious detailed study of the metabolism and thyroid. Thick, huge and like a textbook, it’s NOT just about fibromyalgia. Chock-full of incredible information! Dr. Lowe explains the rational for treating with specific thyroid supplementation–T4/T3 combinations, or even T3, and gives sound dietary practice with avoidance of excess carbohydrates, appropriate exercise to tolerance and appropriate bodywork.
Dr. John C. Lowe is a fibromyalgia, thyroid, and metabolism researcher. As Director of Research for the Fibromyalgia Research Foundation, he has spearheaded the scientific study of two related topics: the metabolic causes of fibromyalgia, and the relief of fibromyalgia symptoms through the treatment approach he developed and named “metabolic rehabilitation.
- Salt Your Way to Health
by David Brownstein, MD
Another must-read! Salt: Your Way to Health is chock full of gleaming information on the clinical uses of unrefined salt. Brownstein not only debunks the low-salt diet = lowered blood pressure myth, but shows you how an adequate salt intake is necessary for proper functioning of the hormonal system and the immune system..and that includes proper adrenal function. In addition, Dr. Brownstein describes the therapeutic uses of unrefined salt helping to treat many different conditions including: fatigue, fibromyalgia, headaches, adrenal disorders, thyroid disorders and much more.
David Brownstein, M.D. is a Board-Certified family physician and is one of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. He is the Medical Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, MI. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success in using natural hormones and nutritional therapies in his practice.
- Could It Be B12: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses
by Sally M. Pacholok RN and Jeffrey J. Stuart DO
I loved this! A silent crippler stalks millions of Americans and you may be one of them…is how this excellent book starts out about the common problem of a B12 deficiency. The book describes the different manifestations of low B12, including the fact that it can mimic MS or other neurological disorders, as well as cause mental illness, learning disabilities, impaired immune function, plus more. Low B12 can be a common disorder found in thyroid patients, as well. A must read for those who suspect they have low B12.
Sally, an emergency department nurse, and her physician husband Jeff worked together to produce this book since they strongly felt like low B12 has been overlooked by the general medical field and is often misdiagnosed. Sally is a strong proponent for the methylmalonic acid test rather than the blood serum B12 test to accurately detect low B12.
- Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It
by David Brownstein MD
Iodine use has become critically important to many patients. They report it lowers antibodies, improves Hashimotos, rids women of fibrocystic breast disease, protects against cancer and so much more! Brownstein does an excellent job explaining the benefits of iodine in our health and well-being as well as details about the kinds of iodine you can use.
David Brownstein, M.D. is a Board-Certified family physician and is one of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. He is the Medical Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, MI. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success in using natural hormones and nutritional therapies in his practice.
- Your Thyroid and How to Keep it Healthy
by Dr. Barry Durrant-Peatfield. MB BS LRCP MRCS
This is Peatfield’s Second Edition of The Great Thyroid Scandal and How to Survive It, and it filled with excellent information about the thyroid, hypo and hyper, iodine, female hormones and testosterone, and an excellent chapter on your Adrenals and how to use Cortisol when cortisol levels are low (though STTM is more updated on treatment with cortisol). Highly recommended by Janie because it’s a classic.
Dr. Peatfield entered general practice around 1962. His increasing disenchantment with the NHS impelled him to enter private practice where he was drawn to the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid problems. He was impressed with the work of Dr. Broda Barnes and was determined to improve the lot of patients with thyroid illness. He now lectures and holds nutritional clinics specialising in metabolic health
- Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st-Century Stress Syndrome
by James L. Wilson, N.D., D.C., Ph.D.
Though this book doesn’t go into the important details of “patient-experience” with cortisol treatment as outlined in the STTM book, it’s got an excellent amount of easy-to-read and friendly information about the adrenals in response to our contemporary stressful lifestyles, and ways to support your adrenals in times of stress. More information and advice is given on multiple strategies for treatment, such as lifestyle, food, food allergies and sensitivities, dietary supplements, adrenal cell extracts, and replacement hormones.
Dr. James Wilson received his Ph.D. in Human Nutrition from the University of Arizona, with minors in immunology, microbiology, pharmacology and toxicology. In addition, he holds degrees as a Doctor of Chiropractic and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. His master’s degrees are in bio/nutrition and experimental psychology. Over 24 years of private practice.
MORE BOOKS (in no particular order):
- The Thyroid Paradox: How to Get the Best Care for Hypothyroidism
by James K. Rone MD
I was a little hesitant to put this thyroid book on the list. Why? Because this doctor still regularly prescribes the lousy T4-only medications, is hung up on only treating when the TSH goes over 4, and is an Endocrinologist–the kind of specialty that has caused innumerable problems for thyroid patients. But a gal who wrote me about it said this: This book’s main focus is explaining all the different ways that your thyroid function can be affected and how the standard tests can be wrongly interpreted and the patient told “your tests are normal”. The author covers central hypothyroidism, human errors in medical testing, human errors in test interpretation, thyroid hormone resistance, and the fact that there may be different “shades” of normal. It will also support the fact that the TSH is sometimes wrong, and he thinks patient’s symptoms should never be ignored (he has hypothyroidism and has experienced this himself… that may be the reason he can think “outside of the box” more than the usual Dr.)
Jame K Rone is is a board-certified endocrinologist in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Your Guide to Metabolic Health
co-authored by Dr. Gina Honeyman, DC and Dr. John Lowe, DC.
This informative book outlines poor metabolic health, which includes low energy, aches and pains, depression, poor memory and concentration, anxiety, malaise….etc, and moves into good information on the two most common causes – untreated or under-treated hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone resistance. Other causes include imbalances of sex and stress hormones, nutritional deficiencies, unwholesome diet, poor physical fitness, some commonly-prescribed drugs, and man-made chemical contaminants.
Honeyman is chiropractic physician in the clinical practice of metabolic and functional medicine. Lowe is a chiropractic physician and board certified pain management specialist.
- Hormones, Health, and Happiness
by Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
In an 8-point program, Hotze describes a new model of healthcare, using bio-identical hormones and other natural treatments. It goes against the prevailing medical approach of treating individual symptoms with the familiar ?anti? drugs – such as antibiotics, antihistamines, and antidepressants, and instead addresses the underlying causes of poor health. Includes information on airborne allergies, food allergies, yeast overgrowth, low thyroid function, natural hormone replacement, treatment of adrenal fatigue, nutritionally balanced eating, and vitamin and mineral supplementation.
From Houston, Steven F. Hotze, M.D.,obtained his medical degree in 1976 from the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. He established a day and night clinic in North Houston which he operated until establishing the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, in Katy, Texas in 1989.
- Overcoming Thyroid Disorders
by Dr. David Brownstein
Holistically oriented and shows how a natural treatment program consisting of natural thyroid hormone, other natural hormones, vitamins, minerals, diet modifications and detoxification can successfully treat many thyroid conditions. It includes over 30 actual cases from his practice.
Dr. David Brownstein is a Board-Certified Family Physician and the Medical Director for the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan. He is a member of the American College for the Advancement in Medicine and the American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Solved: The Riddle of Illness
by Stephen E. Langer, M.D. and James F. Scheer
Discusses how to determine if a person suffers from low thyroid function, the connection between the thyroid and the mind, how to differentiate between low thyroid function and hypoglycemia, the truth about synthetic thyroid hormone, and simple treatments to use. Highlights the relationship between thyroid disease and many conditions, such as arthritis, obesity, depression, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, sexual problems, and much more.
Stephen E. Langer, M.D. is a renowned thyroid expert. James F. Scheer has authored and coauthored over fifteen books on nutrition and health.
- The Thyroid Solution: A Revolutionary Mind-Body Program for Regaining Your Emotional and Physical Health
by Arem Ridha, M.D.
It’s the first mind-body approach to identifying and curing thyroid imbalances. Written by a medical pioneer and leading authority in the field of thyroid research, this groundbreaking book offers Dr. Ridha Arem’s practical program for maintaining thyroid health through diet, exercise, and stress control–and through his revolutionary medical plan, which combines two types of hormone treatments with astounding results.
Dr. Ridha Arem is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. For years he served as Chief of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Ben Taub General Hospital, and Medical Director of the Endocrine Laboratory at Methodist Hospital. Dr. Arem currently runs a practice specializing in thyroid disorders in the Texas Medical Center.
- Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Lab Tests Are Normal: A Revolutionary Breakthrough In Understanding Hashimoto’s Disease and Hypothyroidism
by Dr. Datis Kharrazian
A unique and groundbreaking book specifically about Hashimotos disease and gives specific recommendations to help nutritionally address problems with the autoimmune version of thyroid disease. One caveat: it doesn’t recommend NDT, yet many Hashi’s patients report it working great! Same with iodine—many Hashi’s patients report it has lowered their antibodies.
Dr. Datis Kharrazian of San Diego is considered one of the leading experts in non-pharmaceutical applications to chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, and complex neurological disorders.
- Thyroid Guardian of Health
by Philip G. Young, M.D.
An overall reference book on hypothyroidism, examining the impact inadequate thyroid function has on individuals and the fact that hypothyroidism is frequently missed. Include history, environmental factor, and frequent clinical presentations of hypothyroidism, blood tests and their faults. Thyroid’s relationship to adrenal hormones is also discussed. Goes thru all the major areas of the bodily functions such as digestion, circulation and tells how inadequate thyroid function impacts each system.
Philip Young MD was born in Burma of missionary parents, grew up along the Burma-China border, fled the Japanese occupation of Burma at age 5, walking over the hump into India, and then traveling by boat around Africa to New York in the midst of furious submarine activity. Returning to the border area, he lived in China after the Communist take over in 1949 for nine months, leaving in the midst of a local rebellion against that regime. He graduated from the University Of Nebraska College Of Medicine in 1963 and helped start a small mission hospital in the Philippines on the island of Palawan. Returning to the U.S. in 1977, he became interested in the thyroid gland due to health problems in his own family. He has been studying the thyroid gland since 1979.
- Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health
by Richard L. Shames, M.D. and Karilee H. Shames, R.N., Ph.D.
A holistically oriented book that discusses foods, vitamins, and natural remedies that support thyroid health; how to avoid environmental and emotional triggers; and offers tips from thyroid support groups. The authors outline a step-by-step approach to healing.
Richard L. Shames, M.D., is a founding member of the American Holistic Medical Association, he has served as adjunct faculty at UCSF Medical Center and Florida Atlantic University and is a general practitioner in Mill Valley, California, specializing in thyroid treatment and telephone thyroid coaching nationally via his website.
Karilee H. Shames, R.N., Ph.D., is a clinical specialist in psychiatric nursing and a certified holistic nurse. She is an assistant professor of nursing at Florida Atlantic University. A low thyroid sufferer herself, Karilee has led thyroid recovery support groups for many years and works with Dr. Richard Shames.
- Tears Behind Closed Doors
by Diana Holmes (may be hard to find, but worthy)
Now hard to find, this book is a examination of a serious medical problem (untreated/undertreated hypothyroidism) and is the result of the author’s untiring crusade to prevent others from going through the physical and emotional hell she had to endure. It is a positive personal account that will give comfort and inspiration. Meticulously researched and glowing with good humor and practical advice, this book serves to focus public awareness on a problem that has been neglected far too long. Diana sets the scene by telling her own harrowing story and explaining the triumphant way in which she overcame her illness.
- Find the Root Cause of YOUR Anxiety: Beat Anxiety for GOOD!
This book was written by thyroid and adrenal patient Michele Pence. Though we know that the anxiety suffered by thyroid patients can be eliminated with the right thyroid and adrenal treatment, this book looks into all sorts of other causes and solutions. It presents clear and actionable steps everyone can take to eradicate the majority of anxiety you face. You’ll learn how to make minor adjustments in your lifestyle that will eliminate worry and help you sleep more soundly. Pence teaches ways to cope with the day-to-day stresses you face without the need for anxiety medication.
Important note: STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.