Options for Thyroid Treatment

Have you ever wondered what’s the best thyroid treatment? Here is a list with summaries of all our options (which T4-only is not, say the experiences of too many patients over the years). ~Janie, hypothyroid patient and site creator
These are in no particular order. And we learned how important it is to get optimal free T3, not just being anywhere in those so-called normal ranges. .
Natural Desiccated Thyroid is a great way to treat hypothyroidism or Hashi’s. Armour is one and continues to work well if you get optimal. Some are still liking NP Thyroid after it came back out after the FDA stepping in to recall it. As of 2023:
a) A new one came out in 2023 made by AdthyzaTM. One grain for this brand equals 65 mg. The website states that a starting dose is 32.5, yet patients have done well starting on a full grain, before raising to find our optimal dose. NOTE: it has Mannitol in it, which is a sugar alcohol. In people like myself, it can cause terrible digestive stress. So I can’t use it because of that. Sad.
b) Another newish one is Niva–read about it here and many other places.

ALTERNATIVES TO NDT (Natural Desiccated Thyroid)
2. SYNTHETIC T4 with SYNTHETIC T3, or T3 alone:
We have found that it’s not a bad thing to be on the two synthetics—far better than just being on T4-only. The goals are just the same–finding an optimal dose that puts the free T3 towards the top of the range and free T4 around mid-range, say patients over the years.
Some even choose to be just on synthetic T3, but remember that you’ll have no T4, the storage hormone, to covert to T3 for you, so you’ll have to dose it more, such as 3 times a day. Five times a day hasn’t been as effective as three, patients report, probably because it takes away the punch that three times gives you. Also, many patients report disliking the slow release version of T3–it’s an inexact man-made release and often runs out…and you feel it. But we leave it up to you. Read more here.
There are some out there. They are bovine and seem to be weaker. But whichever you choose, consider keeping an an eye on your RT3, besides the free T4 and free T3.
This is (was) an NDT made in Thailand. It does have a lot of unnecessary fillers, sadly. But it works, say patients. And it’s expensive.
In spite of the FDA prohibiting the compounding of desiccated thyroid, some pharmacies still do. This is a method of having a compounding pharmacist make your desiccated thyroid, or synthetic T4/T3. It works, but can be more expensive than any of the above. Many of these pharmacies still try to use cellulose as a filler, which binds the thyroid hormones, even if they deny it. Instead, ask that the filler be something like powdered Acidophilus or oil of your choice.
…will supposedly send the medication abroad, prescription required and credit cards accepted. They source the thyroid from Europe and have no shortages. They will also compound any strength and combination you require. “THYREOGLAND” from Munchen (Munich), Kloesterl Apoteke, Waltherstrasse, 80337 Muenchen. Phone: 089 54343211 (Let me know if my information is incorrect, please)
There are excellent books associated with Stop the Thyroid Madness
The one for everyone that focuses on all we’ve learned for treatment is called the updated revision Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Thyroid Treatment. Though it has a chapter on prescription Natural Desiccated Thyroid, it’s still very appropriate for the natural thyroid supplements, or for T4/T3.
For the autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease, you’ll want the patient-to-patient book Hashimoto’s: Taming the Beast.
Click on the covers of the books to read about each of them here.

Important note: STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.