Hi. My name is Janie, and I am the creator of this patient-to-patient informational site, which is based on better health and treatment of thyroid patients around the world, and is meant to give you information and personal power to carry into your doctor’s office.

Tell me: have you glanced at this site and think it has nothing to do with you? That may be.

But before you leave, the following questions, if answered candidly by you, can be an eye-opener. And please note: there are no right or wrong answers. There are just a combination of yeses or no’s.

1) Have you been putting on weight the last few years?
2) Do you have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off?
3) Do you feel sad or depressed more than you think you should?
4) Is your hair or skin dry?
5) Do you ever feel cold when others are comfortable?
6) Do you feel you tire more easily than a good friend of yours?
7) Has your throat ever felt tight when you swallow?
8 ) Are you being treated for low B12, low iron, celiac or gluten intolerance, digestive problems, depression, anxiety, rising cholesterol or blood pressure, or aches & pains?
9) Do you have any family history of thyroid disease?
10) Do you have a hard time falling asleep at night?
11) Does it take you awhile in the morning to get going?
12) Are you more irritable than you used to be, or have mood swings?

If you answered yes to two or more of the above, there’s a good chance this site pertains to you!

How might this site pertain to you? Because most all of the above questions apply to hypothyroidism, whether via your genetics, or the autoimmune Hashimotos Disease, or lithium use, or a past head injury, or following surgery. And there are literally MILLIONS of individuals all across the globe who are hypothyroid and don’t know it. You could be one of those millions. Many of us have been!

Why would you just now be finding this out? Part of the problem is that doctors use a completely inadequate lab test to diagnose you by, called the TSH, which stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. And many patients have reported that the TSH lab result was “normal” for years before it revealed that they were hypothyroid…and had been all those years.

Or, our doctors think that any result in the so-called normal range means just that–“normal”, even tho our clear symptoms totally disagree.

What about other problems related to being hypothyroid? If you answered yes to either #10 – 12, you may have an adrenal problem. When a person is hypothyroid for awhile and no one has identified it, your adrenals work extra hard to keep you going. And in time, they first overreact (causing problems falling asleep) and they then start to produce less and less cortisol, preventing you from waking up refreshed. Chronic irritability is a common symptom of struggling adrenals. Other symptoms of struggling adrenals are feeling the need to drink coffee or caffeinated beverages, being bothered by bright lights more than normal, startling easily, wanting to avoid people, feeling less patient, paranoia, taking things way too personal, and etc.

What’s the bottom line?? This site may apply to YOU if you answered yes to a few of those questions! And if you want easier access to more information, you’ll want to consider buying a copy of the revised STTM book, as well. You can avoid many of the problems millions of us have experienced by using this site, and especially the book, to educate yourself, and then taking this empowering information to your doctor’s appointment! Need a better doctor? Here’s how to find one.

I’m glad you visited STTM.


Want to order your own labwork?? Here’s where you’ll find recommend-labwork.

Important notes: All the information on this website is copyrighted. STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.