Help! My thyroid is enlarged!

…need iodine supplementation. Many patients use Lugols iodine as a supplement, or the pill form. You can also negatively inhibit iodine by eating large daily amounts of foods like cauliflower,…


…to be YES. Read about iodine here. Iodine groups here. The STTM book also gives information. Can I just start supplementing with iodine? Patients have found it wiser to do…

References on Thyroid Hormone Usefulness

…and triiodothyronine in pregnancy in iodine-sufficient women using isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry and immunoassays. Clin Chim Acta. 2004 Nov;349(1-2):181-9. Serum thyroid antibodies Lian XL, Bai Y, Sun ML, Guo…