You can now order the revised STTM book in SPANISH, GERMAN, and SWEDISH.

They can be found on the Amazon UK site, and the Amazon German site (eventually if not already), plus will appear at other European sites book. Or, you can order Directly from the US publisher , using either the US or International shipping cost.


“For the thyroid gland – Against the stupor – Stop the Thyroid Madness! Revised edition A patient’s revolt against decades of inadequate thyroid therapy

A patient revolt against the decades of inadequate thyroid therapy “is a well-known and very popular self-help book for patients, which has been dealing with the worldwide scandalous thyroid treatment for more than 50 years. This is due to an exclusive T4 substitution, for example with Synthroid and other monopreparations, as well as the TSH-Labortest, both guilty of the lack of diagnosis, or lack of treatment of several million affected persons worldwide. In detail, the book explains: 1) Which drugs are far better and why this is so; 2) Which laboratory tests are more useful to others and how the results are to be read (eg it is not sufficient to be “within the standard range”); 3) As a result of deficient medical treatment, a large proportion of patients have adrenal fatigue and which treatment methods the patients could learn for themselves; 4) A long list of possible causes of hypothyroidism; 5) An innovative treatment option for Hashimoto and gluten intolerance; 6) Why patients need to know about reverse T3 and how to deal with it. 7) How to detect and treat low vitamin D, B12, iodine, ferritin and iron values, as well as other deficiencies that doctors can overlook. This “Bible of the thyroid gland treatment”, as patients, who have already implemented the information provided around the world, has, as always, set itself the goal of providing the reader with knowledge,

To read about the German translator, go here .


“Stoppa sköldkörtelskandalen: En patientrevolution mot årtionden av undermålig treatment av sköldkörtelsjukdomar / Stoppa sköldkörtelskandalen

5) bästa sättet att behandla Hashimotos sjukdom och glutenintolerans; 6) Varför patienter behöver känna till problemet med reverserat T3 och det Hur åtgärdas; 7) Hur one upptäcker och avhjälper brist på vitamin D, vitamin B12, ferritin och järn, iodine och andra brister som kan läkarna missa. Stad Av sköldkörtelsjukdomar. ” Jod och andra brister som läkarna kan missa. Stad Av sköldkörtelsjukdomar. “

OBS: addresses till Hypo2 är och inte som felaktigt anges i förordet.

To read about the Swedish translator, go here .

Important notes: All the information on this website is copyrighted. STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.