Check out the newest two Stop the Thyroid Madness thyroid books with a focus on hypothyroidism treatment!  Softback or hardback.

  • Those with autoimmune Hashimoto’s will want both companion books–they work together.
  • Those with NON-autoimmune reasons for hypothyroidism will want the one on the left.

Two thyroid books

And unlike other thyroid books, they are also filled with excellent patient-to-patient experiences alongside good information.



PLEASE NOTE: the first print of the Hashi’s book had the INDEX showing pages numbers that are two pages behind the actual page. FOR EXAMPLE: look up % saturation (top of first page of index on page 245). If it shows page 218, it’s actually on page 220. Second printing elminated this problem.

1) “Taming the Beast”, one of the two newest STTM thyroid books, is a companion book to the updated revision Stop the Thyroid Madness book. It has purposely been put together as concise, yet comprehensive about the autoimmune cause of hypothyroidism. That means it gets to the point with key information related to Hashimoto’s, while avoiding chattiness or long pages of stories to help those of you with brain fog and concentration problems.

2) Hashimoto’s: Taming the Beast starts out with key information about a healthy immune system vs. one gone nutty, a 10-point lowdown about Hashi’s, all about antibodies, patient-reported stages of Hashimoto’s, genetics pertaining to the autommune disease, and so much more.

3) FOUR chapters fully pertaining to reported patient experiences and wisdom which can help change your life and reveal that you are NOT alone as a Hashi’s patient!

  • Why and how Hashimoto’s patients go years without help or awareness of what is going on
  • Patient-reported foods which were and are problematic for some and all the symptoms
  • 43 most frustrating aspects of having Hashi’s as expressed by patients (especially about doctors)
  • 95 short testimonies on what patients are using or doing to successfully lower their antibodies! Includes LDN, supplements, how they eat, and more.

4)  Like research? You will see a total of 241 footnotes throughout this book that will send you to research articles, or just good information for further reading. Additionally, one chapter simply summarizes 46 research articles pertaining to Hashi’s in one (or two) sentences. And as intended, YOU can choose what you want to further read…or not.

5) You will be made aware of, or reminded about, a variety of environmental triggers that can either birth autoimmune Hashi’s in the first place, or make one’s current antibodies worse. (Chapter 4)

6) There is a chapter totally focused on Hashimoto’s inflammation-what it can do to you, inflammation labs, what to do about inflammation, supplements and foods to consider to counter inflammation, and short summaries of three ways to eat to counter inflammation. (Plus of course, good footnotes, and added URL’s in the body if needed)

7) Two excellent and informative chapters on different gut health problems to explore, or be reacquainted with, including symptoms, types under each category, ways to treat, and more.

8) Different lists of patient-reported symptoms within different chapters to help identify your issues, for example:

  • a chapter with symptoms from the autoimmune attack
  • another chapter highlighting symptoms of adrenal problems
  • more about hypothyroid symptoms that appear while on T4-only or being underdosed due to a doctor’s reliance on the lousy TSH lab test,
  • inflammation symptom list…etc.

9) Each chapter has a lighthearted small drawing, pertaining to the subject, to send a friendly message about a serious topic, all drawn by Janie A. Bowthorpe, who is an artist.

10) There is a blank “NOTES” page at the end of each chapter where you can put page numbers to remember, or additional information you have gleaned in this book or others! That way, you don’t have to flip through all the pages to find what was important to you.

AND SO MUCH MORE!! This book encourages you to underline, highlight, dog-ear, paper clip, and use the NOTES page at the end of each chapter. This is YOUR book.

2) About the UPDATED REVISION of STOP THE THYROID MADNESS: a Patient Revolution Against Years of Inferior Thyroid Treatment

SAME CHAPTERS! A continuation of former good info. But lots of updated info throughout!

Stop the Thyroid Madnss book

1) This world-renowned “bible of patient experiences” which is now updated, continues to have the life-changing information that it always has had with the same chapter titles…no matter your cause of hypothyroidism….

2) …but it now has numerous updates throughout where needed, and out-of-date information removed. 

3) Both adrenals chapters 5 and 6 have been updated about the use of Adrenal Cortex (ACE), while still having info about hydrocortisone (HC). Chapter 6 now mentions what information applies to either ACE or HC, or BOTH.

4) The T4 chapter now mentions Tirosint, but continues to explain the problem of forcing the body to live for conversion alone.

5) There are now light gray rectangular boxes throughout the book, meant to highlight certain important sentences. 

6) Emphasis is now on serum iron. i.e. the former book would mention both iron/ferritin, but we now know that it’s far more about serum iron as far as what to make “optimal”. The emphasis about ferritin is more about its ability to reveal inflammation, but can reveal a methylation issue when low with good or high iron.

7) There is updated information about..

a) different kinds of iron products
b) better explanations in areas alongside those which were already good
c) some new tidbits at the end of some chapters
d) some updates to the list of thyroid meds, etc.

8) Throughout the book are many more mentions about being “optimal”, not just “on” NDT or T4/T3. It’s also explained often what optimal means in those several places in the book.

9) There are great additions to the list of supplements as well as certain foods. 

10) The chapter on Natural Desiccated Thyroid now has a little photo of an antique bottle of NDT--that’s to show that having T3 in our treatment has been helping patients a long time and safely! This book also mentions the alternative treatment with synthetic T4/T3. Plus various updates throughout while keeping what was always IMPORTANT.

ORDER these life-changing thyroid books HERE NOW: 

Important note: STTM is an information-only site based on what many patients worldwide have reported in their treatment and wisdom over the years. This is not to be taken as personal medical advice, nor to replace a relationship with your doctor. By reading this information-only website, you take full responsibility for what you choose to do with this website's information or outcomes. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.